Chapter 109- Miracles, Miracles, Miracles!

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Inspirational quote: You know what... Silent or not silent I love all my readers equally even if I may not always know who you actually are.


Kieran and Esperanza were watching Dr Kozak intently as he was standing right opposite a table, using tissues to cry his heart out.

Neither of them had really wanted to see him like this, of course, but what on Earth could they have done? Kieran wasn't really good at comforting people and neither was Esperanza.

"Kieran..." Esperanza had whispered when Dr Kozak wasn't particularly looking. "Kieran. We can't just leave Dr Kozak like this, we have to do something."

"Well have you got anything that we can do to cheer him up because my mind is completely blank at the moment," Kieran answered back truthfully, but hey, at least he wasn't lying.

"Yes. Yes I do actually," Esperanza replied.

Kieran just had stared at her face blankly, not doing anything else, before pretty much scanning Esperanza's eyes up and down, Esperanza doing the same thing but with Kieran because obviously she couldn't see herself.

Kieran: What is it?

Esperanza: You go and talk to him. Go on. Run along now, Kieran.

Kieran: *mouth wide open, confused* I'm really sorry but, why me?

Esperanza: Because it's my birthday.

Kieran: Don't let that be an excuse for everything, Esperanza.

Esperanza: Plus you're better at talking to him than I am.

Kieran: I know but you're older.

Esperanza: That doesn't necessarily mean anything.

Kieran: Plus what makes you want to say that?

Esperanza: *sort of perplexed* What makes me what to say what?

Kieran: That I'm better at talking to Dr Kozak than you are.

Esperanza: Because you and Dr Kozak are always having private conversations. See? You guys must have a lot to talk about.

Kieran: Yeah. We do. Just privately. Plus, you almost sound really jealous.

Esperanza: I'm not jealous. Just go and talk to him.

Kieran: But what will you be doing in the meantime?

Esperanza: I have over five hundred birthday messages to reply to. I'll be reading all of them. And replying to them as well. So take your time.

And saying that, Esperanza got out her phone to read all of her 500+ birthday messages, leaving Kieran to stare at her and then roll his eyes irreverently and he stood up to go and talk to Dr Kozak.

Dr Kozak seemed to have been doing something else when Kieran saw him next, although Kieran couldn't really picture out what it was.

Sighing in frustration, Kieran had then therefore walked closer to Dr Kozak, sitting down in the red coloured chair that was located right next to him.

Secret Agent, Counterspy (𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅) |  Rewritten From Chapter 51+ Where stories live. Discover now