Chapter 50.

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Alec = BOLD
Magnus = ITALIC

Incoming call from "Magnus Babe"

"Oh my god, Magnus?"

"That was my name last time I checked, yes. Hello my dear, Alexander"

"Are you okay? I have been trying to reach you for 2 days but you haven't answered. I've been so worried that something might have happened to you"

"Alexander, I'm so sorry. I know that I should have picked up when you called, but I was in a difficult situation"

"What happened?"

"I fought against the greater demon with some other Shadowhunters from the London institute. Unfortunately, the demon tricked us and some of us didn't make it back"


"Nothing too serious, don't worry about it, my dear Alexander. I have to help clean up the mess here before I can return back to New York though"

"Yeah, I'm just really glad to hear your voice again. Magnus, I thought I had lost you. Please, don't ever scare me like that again"

"I promise"

"Good, I love you so much"

"I love you too, my little cupcake. I'll be back home before you know it"

"You do realise that when you return, I won't let you leave my side ever again"

"I wouldn't want it any other way, Alexander Lightwood"

"I can't believe you left me alone with Jace, Izzy, Clary and Simon"

"Well, what can I say? It could have been worse. I mean, you could have been alone with ONLY Clary and Simon"

"True though"

"That would have been terrible"

*A loud thud was heard*

"Magnus, what happened? Are you okay? I heard a thud"

"Ugh, I walked into the door. Don't worry, Alexander"

"I'll burn the door down to ashes"

"You're such a drama queen"

"I know, it's a gift"

"I bet"

"I never thought I would live to see the day Magnus Bane, The High Warlock of Brooklyn, walked straight into a door"

"Shit happens"

"True that. I mean, Clary happened"

"You really hate her, don't you?"

"I don't hate her. I'm just constantly annoyed at her"

"It's understandable"

"Same with Simon"

"Basically, yes. Alexander, I love taking to you but I really need to go now"

"Oh, okay. Please be careful"

"I will. I'll see you soon, my beautiful Alexander Lightwood"

"I'll see you soon, Magnus Bane"

The phone call with "Magnus Babe" has ended

Hey guys😻 How are you all? I'm exhausted, as usual, so this is where I say goodnight🙈


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