20. Life dreams

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"One of the last great realizations is that life will not be as you dreamed."

Peter landed at the door of the Avengers compound - that's right, door. He was doing things the old fashioned way - and walked in. Sliding off his mask, he headed upstairs to the lab, while thoughts raced through his head.

I'd be able to tell if a bullet had been healed into me, right? Or maybe my sped up metabolism put a damper on nerve endings? If anything, it would be the other way around, right? Why am I so hungry? Didn't I eat lunch? Ooh... no I didn't. Maybe Mr. Stark has microwave burritos or something...

"Peter?" Peter spun to see Rhodey looking at him with a quirked eyebrow. "Hi Mr. Rhodes." Peter greeted, and Rhodey laughed. "Just call me Rhodey, for pity's sake."

"Right, sure." Peter nodded in embarrasment, leaning against the wall. Now that he thought about it, he was really tired, and his side did ache. Maybe there was a bullet? He couldn't get his mind off the possibility - it was like he was a broken record.

"So, what are you doing here... Peter, right?"

"Um, yeah." He would never get used to people calling him Peter while in costume, Spidey decided. "I'm here to see Mr. Stark because... uh..." how could he explain this? "I might kind of have a bullet in my side." Oh, that was a great way of explaining it.

"WHAT?!" Rhodey yelped, running jerkily with his metal-enhance legs. "Well my healing factor is sped up so it healed already when I was shot and I passed out so I didn't have time to check if the bullet was still in the wound and the guys kind of shot at me a few times so there were plenty of bullets on the ground and..."

"You were shot at? You were shot?!" Rhodey yelled in disbelief, one hand on Peter's shoulder to steady himself. "Where were you hit, here?" Rhodey poked the boy roughly where the the hole in his costume was and Peter jerked away with a yelp.

"Y-yes." He managed, doubled over from the intense wave of pain. "Oh spades." Rhodey muttered. "Sorry kid." He wobbled over and slung Peter across his shoulder. "I'm fine, I can walk, I..."

"Nope. If there is a bullet in you the more you move the worse it will be." Rhodey explained matter-of-factly. "Maybe someone should've told me that before I webslung over here." Peter scoffed before he could stop himself.

"Kid, you're probably legally insane." Rhodey grumbled in disbelief. "Who is? What happened?" Natasha stepped into the hallway and took in the scene with concern. "Uh, apparently I'm insane." Peter explained with a laugh. "What did you do?" Natasha growled, Clint following not far behind with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm fine! I just got... shot... but I'm fine!" Peter insisted when Natasha and Clint shared a look of horror. "Tony!" Clint yelled, running off down the hallway. "Well thanks, just go ahead and tell all the Avengers." Peter grumbled, hobbling along pathetically.


Tony was right in the middle of a complex equation that might give him more insight into Infinity Stone technology. He fiddled with a slide as it pieced together in his brain. How did they hold such energy? Was it static? Electrical? Was there some power source or-

"Tony!" His thoughts were interrupted abruptly by Clint slamming into the lab. "What is it Barton?" Tony hissed, spinning around prepared to throw a beaker at the archer. "I-It's Peter." Clint panted, leaning in the doorway. All anger forgotten, Tony rushed forward in concern. "What happened? What did he get himself into?"

"Well, he got shot, and the wound might've healed with the bullet still inside."

"That stupid kid." Tony said in a voice to full of concern to be irritated. He ran through the hallways of the compound fast enough to crash into the walls. "Peter!" He yelled as he turned and saw Natasha supporting the boy with Rhodey following.

"Mr. Stark, I'm fine, really, I just wasn't sure..."

"Does it hurt? Are you in pain?" Tony asked automatically, cutting off Peter. "Uh... not really. Only when Rhodey poked me." Peter turned to send a playful glare at the other Avenger.

"That's good, probably hasn't hit anything important yet." Tony said, mostly to himself. He quickly ducked to see Peter's back, and his heart plummeted. "N-no rip in the back of your suit. No exit wound..." Tony trailed off and turned back to see Peter's terrified face.

"It's going to be fine, I'll get Doctor Cho." Tony reassured him as Clint continued with soothing words. "Th-thanks. I'm sure it'll be fine." Peter insisted, putting on a brave face. "Take him to the infirmary." Directed the billionare, shooting off down the hallway. "Gently!" Tony threw over his shoulder.

"Alright, come on." Clint said softly, taking the load from Natasha. "I'm fine... really..." Peter tried, but he suddenly didn't feel fine. A wave of dizziness hit him, buckling his knees and he would've fallen had Clint and Natasha not been there.

"Woah!" Clint yelped as the boy's full weight suddenly came on him. After the shock passed he realized the boy wasn't nearly as heavy as he should be. "You ok?" Natasha asked Peter from where she quickly supported his other side so he wouldn't fall.

"M'fine." He slurred and Natasha looked at Rhodey worriedly. "Let's hurry."

So, I'm going to end it there just because... CLIFFHANGER
Hope you guys are enjoying the storyyyyy


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