Chapter 9

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Our lips touched and we didn't bother to move away from each other. Instead we started to kiss so gently it felt like I was flying, his red cherry lips, linked into mine like they were meant to be.

He was so gentle, he slowly put his hand around my stomach and pulled me close to him. Making our kiss grow more and more intensely, yet somehow he managed to make it gentle.

After 2 minutes of kissing he stopped and looked at me with his sweet loving eyes.

"Do you want to do this," he questioned softly.

I looked at him and smiled a little, and shook my head. He smiled and got closer to me, and we started to kiss more and more.

We moved to the bed and he gently started to take off my clothes as I did to him. He first took of my shirt and shorts and than unclipped my bra, whiled we were still kissing.

On the other hand i took of his shirt and pants, while moving mine hand to his boner. He gently laid me on bed and slowly come over me. He smiled so I put my finger around the neckless he was wearing and pulled him over by it.

He started to kiss me once again gently, and I could feel that he is heating up. And all the sudden he started to touch my area.

He was so gentle, I could barley feel his hands moving, but they were. I started to moan softly and quietly but it as he want on his speed was going up and also my moans.

"Ohhhhhhhhh," I said gently.

He smiled at me.

He stopped and kiss me a light kiss on my lips as he flipped us. Me being on top of him. I grabbed his boner and slowly put it in my area. He was going on full speed. And both of our moans were so loud.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. Aghhhhhhhghgghhhhh, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh," I said as I lowered my top half to his lips and kissed him.

His once perfect curls are know filled with sweat, but the sweet sweat. My once perfect make-up is now smudged on my face. We both looked like a complete mess but we didn't care because we were enjoying ever minute of it.

He was still going oh his slow pace, making me moan and groan as low as possible, but all the sudden the machine that was working at a normal pace started to pick it up and work harder and harder. And my sounds started to get louder and louder.

"Ahhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhh ahhhhh ahhhhhh mmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmm, ohhhhhhhhhhhh, god, ahhhhh ahhhh ahhh ahhh ahhhh ahhh ahhh ahhh," I shouted across the room.

After three long hours of enjoying each other's body we finally reached out climax point. I come off of him and we both drift into sleep me going into his hug, feeling him giving me a soft sweet kiss on the forehead and we both slept not giving a care in the world...


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