Naps ~ Imagine

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You were really tired and was napping in the dressing room before doing a live show. whilst you were napping the boys were filming some stuff for Bangtang bomb and decided to involve you. "Wheres Lani?" Jimin looked around. "She was Napping on the sofa," Jin said whilst taking a drink from his water bottle. Jimin rushed to where you were before the boys could stop him. When he saw you on the sofa he held the camera up "Aish so cute".

"Who's going to wake her up?" Jimin looked at the boys since he never liked waking you up. All the boys looked at one person.

"Why me?" Yoongi moaned
(I was so going to change this to groan when I realised my mistake because in England it kind of means the same thing but the comments make me laugh 😂)

"Cause you get all soft with her and the fans never see the soft side of you" Yoongi let out a sigh before kneeling down next to you. When he saw your sleeping face up close though it melted his cold exterior.

"Brace yourself army you're about to see soft Yoongi," Tae said standing in front of the camera and then moving away letting it focus on you and Yoongi. Yoongi smiled at you sleeping and moved the hair away from your eyes. "Lani, its time to wake up," he said gently causing you to stir.

"Princess, If you get up now, you can sit on the swirly chair in my studio" your eyes shot open and smiled "Really?!" Yoongi rolled his eyes at your behavior "No". You pouted causing Yoongi to sigh. "Fine you can sit in the chair, but you have to be supervised" You clapped your hands in excitement and the boys all smiled at Yoongi's soft side. "Come on Lani were going to play hide and seek". Jimin helped you up.

"NOT IT," You said running away to hide followed by Hobi, Tae, and Jungkook.

"Aish these kids," Namjoon said patting Jin's shoulder. Yoongi walked off in the same direction. "Where are you going?" Namjoon called out to Yoongi. "To wake Lani up again, she probably found somewhere to hide where she can sleep".

"THAT IS NOT AN EXCUSE FOR YOU TO GO HIDE WITH HER AND FALL ASLEEP" Namjoon shouted. Jimin was still holding the camera but was laughing so much that I don't even think he managed to film a lot. "Let's go collect the children then" Jin walked towards the direction everyone disappeared into with Namjoon and Jimin staggering behind.

You and Yoongi were the last to be found because you both fell asleep next to each other on the floor behind some sofas. "I swear all they do is sleep" Namjoon muttered.

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