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Ziva had left ncis after Somalia. She still lived in DC. After what had happened in Somaila she couldn't work at ncis or meet Tony. Those words she said to him, she regret, a lot. She had start to cut herself too. She hadn't put her foot at the navy yard or met anyone of the team on 2 months.

Tony sat at his desk thinking of Ziva. He missed her. A new agent had replaced Ziva, Ellie Bishop. She is nice and he liked her as a partner. She is clever too, but he missed his ninja. He took up his phone and looked at his background, of Ziva. He smiled. He writed another text message to her. He writed one every day but she didn't respond. "Good morning Tony, McGee" Ellie said as she walked in. "To you" she said and gave him a cup coffee. "Thank you Ellie" Tony said. She walked over to McGee and handed him one too. "Thanks." She smiled as she walked to her desk.

Gibbs had let them go home for today. Tony walked to the elevator with McGee and Ellie. "Bye guys" Ellie said and walked to her car. "See ya tomorrow" McGee said to them and walked to his car. Tony nodded and jumped in the car. He speeded off to Ziva's apartment, or where he thought she lived. He walked up to her apartment. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

In Ziva's apartment
Ziva was in the bathroom. She sat on the bath tub with a razor blade in her hand. She scratched her thighs with the blade, a couple of times. She looked how the blood dropped in the bath tub. Then she heard a knock on the front door. She hurried to put bandage around her thighs. "I'm coming" she yelled. Fast she dressed her pants back on. Then she washed the blood out of the bath tub. She walked out to the front door and opened the door. "He..llo..." She said shocked. "Hello Ziva. How you doing?" "I, I'm fine.. What are you doing here?" "I misses you Ziva. I haven't seen you in 2 months." Memories flodded back to her. Somalia.. Saleem.. "Ziva? Hello?" "What um, I'm sorry Tony." "I took some movies with me. I thought we could watch one and catch up a little" he said with a smile. "Uh.. Ok." She let him in. "Can I get a hug?" He asked with his famous DiNozzo smile. She nodded and hugged him. He put in a movie and they sat down on the couch and started to watch. The movie ended. Tony looked at Ziva. He saw blood on her pants and got a bit scared. "Ziva.." "Mm yeah?" "You have blood on your pants. Are you alright?" She looked fast down. "Damn" she said low. "Yes I'm fine. I need to use the ladies room." She said almost crying. She stood up and walked fast to the bathroom. "Ziva" Tony called after her. She locked the door and took her pants down. She took off the bandage and changed them. "Ziva are you ok?" He said against the door. "Please let me in... Open before I kick the door in." He picked the key locker up and opened the door. "Ziva" he said shocked. She looked at him with tears running down on her cheeks. "What happened?" She didn't respond. He walked over to her and hugged her. She cried onto his chest. He picked her up and walked with her to the couch. He laid her down in his lap. "It's alright Zi. I'm here." He said with a caring voice. She stopped crying. "I, I'm sorry Tony." "What happened to you? Why are you ignoring me? Why did you leave?" She started to cry again. "I, I had to. After S..Somalia..." "No you didn't. We miss you, all of the team." "You don't understand." "Try me" he said calmly. "Bad th..things happened to me know. I wasn't nice to you when you came to save me. I, I couldn't stand it, everything with Sa..Saleem, and you." "But what about this" he asked and put gently his hand on her thighs. "I, I have start.. cutting myself... It makes pain goes away, it makes me free." She said shyly. He looked shocked again. He pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead. "Please stop hurt yourself. I'll help you, you don't need to do this alone. I promis." "Why are you doing this for me." "I care about you. Your my partner and my soulmate.." She smiled, a real smile. He kissed her forehead and she rested her head on his chest as he had his arms around her.

A bit tiva but not much.

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