Chapter Ten - You're dating a star?!

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“Lil’? Lil’? Are you awake yet?” I heard my mum asking through my door. I picked up my phone and checked the time which was actually 11:30am.

“Yeah, yes, I’m awake and up.” I mumbled a reply into my pillow. I heard my bedroom door swing open as my mum made her way in.

“Oh Lil’ you’re still in bed?! You’re meant to be meeting Gemma at the station at 1, and if you don’t get in the shower soon you’ll be late!” She said in a tone which was not one I appreciated first thing in the morning as she ripped open my curtains.

“Okay, I’m up look!” I said throwing my arms around and throwing my legs out of the side of my bed.

“Good good, I just don’t want you to be late meeting your sister; you know what she’s like! Also we’re having a dinner party on Friday and you can invite a friend or two if you want? Maybe Mr Simpson?” My mum stated giving me a look and raising one eyebrow.

“Sure I’ll see what he says.” I said before rushing into the bathroom for a shower so I could avoid any more awkward morning conversations.

I put 5 Seconds Of Summer on shuffle as I got in the shower and heard my mum leave for work; she’s a nurse and was doing a later shift today so didn’t have to leave until lunch time.

After a good 30 minutes in the shower and having my own concert (yes I am definitely a shower singer) I went back to my room and sat at my dresser waiting to dry off a bit before moisturising, whilst doing so I decided to text Brad who clearly hadn’t woken up yet…it was now 12:15pm.

1 message to Biggy B-

Morning sleepy head;) I’m meeting Gem today so I’ll probably message you later on today! Any who, my family are having a dinner party on Friday and there is an invitation with your name on it…let me know:)

Lil’ xx

Once I’d sent that I moisturised and decided on black skinny jeans, a Guns&Roses vest top and checked shirt with black doc martens, scrapped my hair into a messy bun leaving my fringe down and left once I picked up , my phone and bus pass and putting them in my bag. Leaving at 12:40 gave me twenty minutes for a ten minute walk so I couldn’t be late.

 All I was doing was meeting Gem for a quick catch up in starbucks and then a walk around the shops. Gemma is only three years older than me and we were always super close but she’s doing a media course in a college out of town meaning I don’t see her much now, so I’m looking forward to today.

I reached the station at 12:56 so I popped into the little shop they had and picked up a bottle of water while I waited.

“Lilly!!!” I turned around as I heard my name being screamed almost a whole street away. Yes, Gemma was the more confident daughter. I looked around as people were soon realising she was shouting at me and slowly walked over to meet Gem.

“Gemmaaaaa! Yes I’m excited to see you, but no I’m not going to scream about it! Hahaha, how was your journey?” I said as she embraced me in a warm hug. I’ve definitely missed her.

“Yeah, great bit of traffic but nothing my road rage can’t handle!” She said giving me a nudge; she has awful road rage. We made our way into the town centre and went straight to star bucks as Gemma was raving about it! Once we ordered our drinks we found a table and started to catch up.

“So Missy, what’s been happening in your life? Any boys I need to scare off?” Gemma begged whilst taking a steady sip of her mint hot chocolate.

“I mean, I guess so but we don’t need to talk about that, like what’s been happening in your life?!” I said trying to change the subject as I hated talking about myself.

“What?! No no no, don’t change the subject! Who is he? Do I know him? Is he hot?!” Gemma threw these questions at me like hot fire.

“Well, you know Zoe?” She nodded.

“And her brother? Bradley?”

“Yes, he’s in a band now, crazy how successful they are! Carry on who is he?!” She said pushing me to carry on but I just nodded at her giving her time to think through what I said.

“No! Bradley!? Bradley Simpson? Lil’ you’re dating a star!” She said almost exploding setting me into fits of laughter. After moving off of the topic of Brad we spoke about Gem and how her course is going and how there’s SO many boys chasing after her (of course) and then we decided to hit the shops.

Gemma was going to stay at ours until the Saturday so she would be here for the dinner party so she came home with me and we had a ‘family night in’, ordering a Chinese and watching TV. After finishing the food everyone decided to put ‘Step-Brothers’ on considering our parents hadn’t seen it and it was me and Gem’s favourite film.

Gemma set the DVD up whilst I went to get a hoodie and everyone got ready for it, I quickly sent Brad a text seeing that he had texted me just over an hour ago.

1 message from Biggy B-

You’re probably busy with Gem, but I can come Friday:) I just need a time and is it…formal?? I’ll text you tomorrow I have something to tell you ;) have a good night beautiful.

Bradley xx

1 message to Biggy B-

Hey sorry, yeah we were shopping until we dropped…literally Gemma tripped…in the middle of the high street! It was so funny! And awesome, I guess it’s kinda formal? I’ll help you with a outfit if you need! Ohh so mysterious;)  Speak tomorrow:) Sleep tight Bradley.

Lil’ xx

I decided to turn my phone off during the film in case it did go off at all. After watching Step-Brothers our parents resorted to bed leaving me and Gemma to carry on our un-finished gossip from earlier on during the day…this carried on throughout the night.

*A/N A quick update! Let me know what you think! What do you think Brad's going to tell Lil'?!! I'll try and update again soon:) Thank you if you're a frequent readers!

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