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If my tears are your elixir,

I will cry as long as I breathe,

If there is any path that leads to you,

It is the one I shall take

If the price of forever is distance of this moment,

Separate we must,

For even in my dreams,

I cannot let you go...

Based on the popular Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice this is a retake of love put through tragic test of proving itself worth of a second chance.  

Orpheus was the son of calliope the goddess of poetry. He was an exceptionally talented singer and an extraordinary player of the lyre. when Eurydice;  the nymph he was deeply in love with died of a snake bite, he was brave enough to venture into the underworld and demand Hedes the god of underworld to let him take her back.  impressed by his music, taken by his sorrow at separation the god of underworld grants the request. There's however a condition he must fulfill. Orpheus is not to look at Eurydice until they had reached the world above.  If he does, Eurydice has to remain in the underworld forever.

Sadly,  during the long journey back Orpheus forgets his promise and turns to look at Eurydice, thus losing her forever. 

So in the ultimate end, Orpheus might have been brave but in my opinion his love was not resolved enough. He could go to the death to claim her back,  but couldn't bear the while he had to wait to see her.

This is however a story of a different love. One that could snatch their love from the death's embrace, but also can wait for an age until it is returned to them.  It is a tale of both aggressive, possessive and stubborn love and calm ,  sacrificing, waiting and understanding love.

This journey through styx would be very unlike Orpheus's.

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Sail through styx


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