39- Channing All Over My Tatum

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Now, I was eating dinner with a bunch of the guys that I had met at the field. All of us sat around a large cherrywood table covered in a white tablecloth, with a plastic covering on the top. I didn't understand why they had a plastic covering until the guys started eating.

They were scarfing down the food so fast that I could barely get some of the shrimp and broccoli linguine Alfredo. If Aaron hadn't set aside a plate for me before, I would've had no dinner. A nice lady had placed five ginormous bowls of Alfredo on the table once we sat down. One of the guys, Liam, told me that they didn't set individual plates here-- you had to fight for your food. He also said that that taught them survival. I thought it just made a mess. That was proven by the amount of pasta that had landed on the ceiling.

Five minutes later, I was the only one with food left on my plate. Now, I ate fast, but the guys had literally finished 15 pounds of pasta in a second.

"Why don't you guys eat something more meaty?" I said as I forked a shrimp into my mouth. "Does this shrimp really satisfy you?"

"You think this is a main course?" Tyler shook his head fast. "We're getting some steak after this."

"Huh?" I was already full from the whole plate of pasta.

"This is an appetizer Ems," Aaron patted his stomach and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Each of us get three grilled 16 oz steaks after this."

"That's disgusting." I thought of all the cute cows that had been slaughtered for these barbarians to get their steaks.

"No, it's delicious," he said.

"It probably is, but you really don't need that much protein in your diet. That's the problem with some people. Too much meat," I lectured.

"Well all the ladies know I gotta lotta meat," Aaron grinned.

"You're disgusting," I pushed his shoulder and paused. "I was wondering something."


"When do we go back to school?"

"Seriously?" he yawned. "You're wondering about that?"

"This girl kinda wants to go to college," I rolled my eyes. "No big deal or whatever."

"You don't even need to go to college anymore," Tyler interjected. "You can stay here and chill."

"No thanks."

"School starts the day after tomorrow," Aaron was swiping through his phone. "You wanna go?"

"Yeah," I sighed. "Actually kinda not really but my parents-" I gasped. "I haven't told my parents where I am yet! Oh my god they're probably so worried I need to-"

"Hush," Aaron silenced me by suddenly covering my mouth with his hand. "Ew you just licked me."

"Mmfhsmm!" My voice was muffled, and his hand smelled like parmesan cheese.

"I already told them and said we were on a camping trip."

"That doesn't even make sense!" He moved his hand away. "Why would I go on a camping trip now?!"

"I don't know," he wrinkled his brows. "That's the only thing I could think of. They believed it." Only my oblivious parents would believe that I would leave for a camping trip when it was almost winter.

"Where's my phone?" I asked Aaron.

"I think the Savages have it."

"The Savages?"

"Axel and Blake?" he said it like it was obvious. "You know their last name is Savage, right?"

"Yeah but why would you call them that?"

"You'll find out soon enough." I didn't say anything back to him. I hadn't seen Axel and Blake get super angry, but I knew that they would be very scary when they got angry at someone.

"I need my shît," I pushed my chair back from the table. "I also have to get my bag and my school stuff."

"Well if you want it, then you'll have to go to Blake or Axel," Aaron held his phone out to me. "Can you take a pic of me for IG? It's kinda urgent."

"You're so self absorbed," I grabbed his phone. "You know people won't die if you don't post a pic of your abs every five seconds?"

"Not so sure about that Ems," he stuck his tongue out me like a little kid. "Women love me, hell, even men love me. I'm not gay, but if I was, I'd have a lot of pickings."


"Hey, if I had five followers like you do, I would post as little as you do."

He tilted his head down, did a little side grin, and stuffed his hands into the pockets of his shorts. I took a picture and showed it to him. He looked great, but I wasn't going to tell him that. "That's good."

"I don't have five followers by the way," I glared at him. I really didn't. But compared to him, and the amount of followers he had amassed with photos of his abs, it probably seemed as if I only had five.

"I know Ems." We sat back down. "Just teasing ya."

There was a few minutes of comfortable silence between us.

"Why can't you just get my stuff for me?" I interrupted it.

"Huh?" Aaron turned his head to look at me.

"My stuff, why do I have to get it from Axel or Blake when you can just grab it for me?"

"They're the alphas, they watch over everything in this pack. Anything that's their Luna's, they'll know exactly where it is and they'll be the ones to give it back to her."

"That's weird."

"That's werewolf life."

"I still don't understand this werewolf stuff."

"It's not stuff," Aaron grasped one of my hands and suddenly got all serious. "It's your life now, you should at least try to accept the beliefs and organizations of a werewolf pack."

"Sure," I sighed and thought about it.

I mean, I could accept the fact that I would live out the rest of my days being a Luna to two incredibly annoying but really cute guys.

But where's the fun in that?


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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Oct 16, 2017 ⏰

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