Its time pt. 1

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*1 week till due*
Lilly: I've been kinda home sick. I'm stressed about the baby and Yousef just proposed.
Yousef: Lilly are you okay.
Lilly: yeah yeah what were you saying?
Yousef: Nevermind babe lets just eat.
Lilly: good idea.
Yousef: So about the wedding.
Lilly: Yousef I think we should just do that thing when you go to a room and it's only you me and the guy that makes us married.
Yousef: You mean a Peace Wedding.
Lilly: yeah that thing.
Lilly: mm this is really goo-
Yousef: Lilly are you okay?
Lilly: It's time!
Yousef: it's a week early!
Lilly: that doesn't matter! Now get me to a hospital!
                         To be continued!
Authors note: hey guys I'm sorry this one was short. I will publish the next one today though it will be longer❤️😁.

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