Greaser AU Part 3

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Hi frens! I'm bored and I have time to write something here's the final part some of you have been asking for. Warning this part contains a lot of curses and smut so be warned. I also have nothing against the lgbtq+ community (I wouldn't be writing smut if I did.) But I'm sorry there are some triggering stuff in here bc this is set back in the 1960s sooooo.... I hope you get the jist. Ok enjoy the smut👌

           "What.. the fuck did you just shithead?" Brendon asked through gritted teeth and a bear snarl.

Holy shit he knows now, I'm fucking screwed.


       He knew he knew he KNEW!!! Ryan thought in his head as he realized his big mistake. Brendon was so shocked but still kept Ryan glued to the wall. Ryan tried to comfort him by placing one of his hands on Brendon's arm and saying his name softly.


     Brendon slammed Ryan again and smacked his hand away. "You shut the fuck up you little bastard," Brendon yelled in his face. Ryan gasped and just looked into Brendon's eyes. His dark deadly eyes. "Tell me Ryan, is it true?" Brendon asked with actual sincerity. Ryan didn't answer he didn't want to. He didn't want to lie to Brendon but he knew Brendon knew the truth. "Please Ryan, tell me. Is it true? TELL ME?," Brendon screamed in frustration. Ryan felt the tears in his eyes. His eyes were starting to get puffy and sensitive. He wanted to cry so bad but he couldn't.

         Ryan felt a stinging sensation on his cheek suddenly. He fell to the ground once Brendon let go of him. Ryan held his burning cheek realizing that Brendon had slapped him. "TELL ME RIGHT NOW IF IT'S TRUE," Brendon cried out to the boy on the floor. Soon the tears started to drip down Ryan's face and he couldn't hide it anymore. Brendon felted empathy for his friend and helped him up.

Ryan glared at him and straightened himself up. "I-I'm sorry Ryan," Brendon said while trying to help his friend. Ryan flinched away from him in anger and continued that hurtful death stare. "It's not my fault you kissed me," Ryan spat out. Brendon ticked and grabbed ahold of Ryan's jacket and had a death grip on him.

"Shut the fuck you fag," Brendon screamed in Ryan's face. Ryan gasped and his eyes widened. Oh my god, please god no. Does he know I'm a filthy queer? Brendon looked at Ryan's reaction with confusion. "Ryan...Are you a queer?"

Ryan couldn't explain the fear and anxiety he had in his mind. He stared at Brendon like a deer in front of car headlights. "Ryan...are you?" Brendon inquired. Ryan felt his head spinning and his stomach turning into a tornado inside. "RYAN ANSWER ME," shouted Brendon while shaking Ryan. Ryan whimpered and let out a small cry, "Y-Yes...Yes I'm a fag...a filthy dirty q-queer..."

Brendon just stared blankly at Ryan with no expression or thought. Ryan felt he was on fire, he just wanted to disappear. It didn't help how close Brendon was holding him too. "B-Bren-"

"Shut it you queer!"

Ryan kept his mouth shut and he stared at Brendon with hopeful eyes. Brendon looked down to think and then saw Ryan's sweet eyes. "Ah stop lookin' at me with those eyes Ryan," Brendon fussed looking away. "But Brendon-"

"Ah Ryan you're making this too hard," Brendon groaned. "M-Making what to hard?" Ryan asked with a clueless and innocent face. "Ahhhh fuck it!" Brendon grabbed Ryan's cheeks and connected their lips roughly. Ryan eyes popped out and heat flew to his cheeks. His eyes fluttered shut and leaned into Brendon's lips.

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