Setting A Monster Free

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Chapter 24

“Where do you wanna go?” I asked, pulling away from the curb. No matter what we did, or where we went, I knew I'd be happy as long as we were together.

 “I think it's time to release the Doctor,” Thomas announced.

Except for that.

“Why do you always have to be such a fun-sucker?”

“In your heart, you know it's the right thing to do, Chaos,” he insisted.

“Right thing, my ass. Doctor Drool deserves to be where he's at. Suffering the same way he made me suffer.”

 “Still,” Thomas began, shaking his head. “Sooner or later, you must set him free.”

My breath huffed out. “How 'bout later rather than sooner?”

Thomas threw me a stern look that said he meant business. “How about now? You got anything else on your calendar today?”

I started to mouth off and say, “Yeah, like taking you home and ripping your clothes off,” but I couldn't say the words out loud. Especially when I had so little experience with members of the opposite sex. Sitting here next to him reminded me that I lived in a shell. Nevertheless, now was definitely not the right time to go exploring my sexual limitations.

Maybe later.

Turning left on Broadway, I headed out of town and took US-131 South. As I drove along the monotonous highway, I kept stealing glances at Thomas. If possible, he looked even more drop dead gorgeous as a human. The way he appeared before as an angel always made his features seem a little bit fuzzy. Now they were more crisp. Almost as if he suddenly appeared high definition or something.

He stared straight ahead at the road, his gaze fixed on everything and nothing at the same time. His lightly bronzed features took me by storm, mesmerizing me into a stunned silence. Those lustrous hazel eyes set between disgustingly long sooty lashes, that perfectly straight as an arrow nose, and those soft pillowy pink lips combined to form a stunningly beautiful masculine face. He was so gracefully created with long limbs and strong muscular lines that once again he exerted a powerful magnetic pull over me. I felt a tug at my stagnant heart along with a prickling surge of heat. Dragging my gaze away from him to concentrate on the road was like taking meat from a hungry tiger.

 As if sensing my need to be closer to him, Thomas reached for my right hand and held it, fingers closing around mine. Then, slowly, he lifted my hand to his lips and pressed a kiss into my palm with a warm breath. The tingling sensation made me almost run off the road.

Almost, but not quite.

I actually had to fight the urge to run my fingertips through his thick, chocolatey brown hair – irritated at how the longer locks on top of his head always managed to look so perfect combed back in a pompadour.

Sometimes I still had a problem with things spilling out of my mouth at extremely inappropriate times. I could tell this was going to be one of them.

“What is up with your hair?”

Thomas reached up with his free hand to touch it. “Why, what's wrong with it?”

I rolled my eyes. “Nothing. That's the problem.”

He turned his shoulder, facing me squarely. "Do you have any filter at all?"

I wrinkled my brow. "What do you mean?"

Angel of Fire - Requiem of Lost Souls - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now