12: The Night Out

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November 2009

C H A P T E R  T W E L V E:

T H E  N I G H T   O U T

"He's your boss?!" Sam exclaimed despite being in a busy coffee shop surrounded by many people.

"Keep it down for god's sake. We're having a conversation with each other, not the entire coffee shop." Katie looked around, feeling quite paranoid.

"I can't believe I tried to drunkenly flirt with your boss last night." Anna groaned as she rubbed her head and took another sip of her coffee then.

"What the hell was he doing at your apartment last night if you work for him Katie?" Leah came across as more concerned than judgemental. She was especially protective over her friend and after what happened at her last job, she certainly didn't want people to get the wrong idea if they found out.

"He called me and asked could he come over, he needed to talk to someone and I suppose I was the only one that wasn't busy on Thanksgiving."

"Your boss comes to you looking for relationship advice? That's strange." Katie couldn't help but feel like her friends were beginning to gang up on her and she didn't like it although their reasons were justified- they didn't want something happening to her like in her last job.

"I know, I know. But it's hard to explain, we get along great and-"

"Katie, before you say anything else I want you to think about it carefully. We do have our reasons for questioning you like this."

"It's not a regular occurrence Leah." Katie began to get offended then.

Sure, she had just been friends with the last guy at Pierce Holdings but it was different to how she was with Colin. Neither Colin nor Katie had any sort of attraction towards each other, it was purely a friendship, but with the other guy at her last job, Katie learned quickly that he was beginning to get feelings that were purely one-sided. She tried to get away from the situation quickly because it escalated but she learned he was a very spiteful and angry man when he did not get what he wanted.

"I just don't want anything to happen to you again. That's all." Leah justified her probing.

"He was hot though." Anna said, making the situation worse.

"I get it Leah. It's fine." Katie said, feeling defeated.

But what happened at Pierce Holdings was not entirely her fault and it shouldn't stop her from talking to Colin- well maybe it should but it hadn't, that had already tried the professionalism in the office but things had slipped back to the way they were at the start. She felt she had enough to be thinking about without her friends' questions getting in the way too. She was confused about all of the certain ways she was beginning to feel about Colin and was trying to ignore them, all the while remembering his visit the night before.

She took a mouthful of coffee before her mind wandered back to Colin's admission that things weren't as good as they seemed with Anna or with his life in general. He said he felt like no one understood, and his father was beginning to grate on him more than usual about finally settling down. But the problem was, from what Katie could grasp, was that Colin didn't want to settle down, he wanted to 'enjoy himself' as he put it, for as long as possible.

Although Katie agreed with him in some ways- he was still young and had plenty of time to settle down and find someone like his mother and father wanted- but at the same time the excessive partying was beginning to be too much. It was effected his work for so than usual over the past couple of weeks and Jeffrey's patience seemed to be growing even thinner with every visit.

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