Love Me The Same(YeinKook Part 2)

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''Is that what you think?'' Jungkook felt hurtful to hear her say what she felt. ''Is that honestly what you thought really happened?''

I know, I won't ask about your heart anymore

''You never did anything to fight for us!'' Yein angrily spoke as she turned around to face him with anger in her eyes for what he did to her. ''You are a coward,a foolish son of a servant that I should have never even wasted all my time and energy on!''

''True I'm a coward! True I am a foolish son of a servant but all the time and energy we spent on each other,I still cherish them deeply!'' Jungkook voiced what he felt for her still to this day. ''I'm still in love with you and I can't forget you! I tried and it's impossible!''

Yein could feel her heart in a huge dilemma as it wasn't sure whether to be happy to hear that her love story wasn't finished or to be scared as to whether her heart could face another heart break. ''What good is all this when you chose to throw it away by running off? Why should I be with you after the way you coldly treated me when I asked you to run away with me? Why should I even waste my time on you right now?''

Jungkook suddenly crossed his arms as a smirk came on his face,surprising Yein to see a new sight of him especially when she was insulting him.

''What seems to be so funny to you?'' Jungkook saw Yein raising her eyebrow at him.

''As much as you want to act all angry with me,both you and me know that we are both happy to see each other!'' Jungkook could read her like an open book. ''Admit it to me Yein!''

''I said that's Princess----'' Yein was interrupted.

''You were never Princess Yein to me! You were just Yein,charming,playful and childish!'' Jungkook continued to speak further on. ''The only one that you revealed your true self to,not even your own parents know you like the way I do! You showed every part of yourself to me and I've seen it all,loving each and every part of you even more than before!''

Yein turned around as she could feel her watery eyes building up,making her to tightly close it as the tears slowly dripped down her cheeks while she did nothing to stop them,letting them run down in their own pace as she heard what her love had just said to her but was it enough to let the guards she held up,in her heart,go down?

''Don't you trust me Yein?'' Jungkook looked at her back,wanting to hear her say something.

''I did......'' Yein replied slowly. ''Until you proved me wrong!''

''I came back for you'' Jungkook looked down on the ground. ''I thought about living without you but I couldn' wasn't just hard,it didn't feel right...''

''What makes you think everything will be alright after doing that to me?'' Yein clenched her fists. ''Did you not think about me at all?''

''I did but I thought about everyone that worked here and my parents who I did this job for as well.'' Jungkook replied. ''What would have happened to them if we were to escape? What were to happen if we were to run away?''

Be honest, don't play around 'cause I can't do this forever

''If you are so scared about all that then what now? Why are you here?'' Yein wanted to know why he was here.

''Because I want to live for myself! I don't want to go through life,thinking what would happen if I agreed to run away with you....I want to do it and experience whatever the outcome we get!'' Jungkook confessed,causing Yein to be shocked as she turned around to face him. ''Run away with me Yein!''

''J-Jungkook.....'' Yein didn't know what to say as she had no words for the sudden confession.

''Ten years into time,I don't want to think about the possibility of us when I could have done whatever I could do to make it into a reality!'' Jungkook continued to speak. ''Will you do it Yein? Will you agree to run away with me?''

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