01: The Contract

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01: The Contract

Raidho (Rye.tho) felt the initial flash of pain consume the soft, fragile human body. The heat and smoke seared the skin, boiling the water and the blood of the worldly vessel with a familiar agony.

Raidho tried to squeeze close eyelids in defense, knowing full well that there would be no stopping the tortuous death, but the delicate flesh was already burned away. The heat and the flames mercifully destroyed all sensory and pain receptors and now the agony remained only in Raidho's heart.

As the body released life, the soul changed form and slipped into the energy of Space. Raidho fought to maintain awareness to "see" and "feel" Hela coming.

Hela (Hell.a), daughter of Loki (Low.key), queen of the dead, watched as Raidho's latest shell burned down to ashes. The German man in his late 60's smoldered in the heat and flames. For the last 5 years, Raidho served Hela in 15th century Germany. Unrest and peasant uprising allowed him to move within the population working unnoticed. Death was not a stranger in this time or place. Raidho lived as a vagrant man wandering the streets, collecting debts owed to her by many, from the past several centuries. Now Raidho's body burned, another casualty of a peasant uprising.

Hela herself could not take lives in the mortal world. She could influence the path of lives, but she needed tools, instruments, human hands to help her take souls permanently. Hela returned Raidho to the earthly realm to live many lifetimes, in many forms: old, young, male, female, poor, wealthy, known and ignored.

Raidho was also paying a debt owed for a choice made in the 10th century. It was barely a blink of an eye to Hela but for Raidho 500 years seemed like an eternity. Raidho, for many mortal years now, had been paying back lives owed. A deal made with a demi-goddess in a moment of anguish and desperation that could not be measured or contained. Five hundred years of servitude promised.

This life was Raidho's final marker owed. The demi-goddess felt nothing for the mortal soul in terms of emotional attachment. A debt paid was a debt paid. But she had been amused more than once at the soul's torment and suffering.

Raidho felt a great expansive nothingness and oneness. The concrete lines of humanity crumbled and there was only Space. Of the seven elements of existence, Space was where the boundaries of the spiritual realm and of the worldly realm spilled into each other. Raidho didn't hear Hela. Raidho felt the demi-goddess's presence resonate and wash through the mortal soul.

"I am here now."

Raidho's soul quivered with acknowledgement. Awareness, thoughts, questions, emotions, all were evident and transparent to the goddess.

"That was the last life owed. You have served as we agreed, bound by your being, paid in flesh."

"Am I alone? Are they here?"

Raidho felt disdain in Hela's godly response.

"You are NEVER alone. I. AM. HERE. I understand what you are really asking of me. You seek the souls you sacrificed for, the 'Wild One' and the life that grew inside her."

Raidho's soul shook with anguish, flooded with the raw need and love for the Wild One, 'Wilde' (Vil.da) and their unborn child. A memory of the vision of the woman full with life, the embodiment of their love flashed over Raidho's awareness. The souls Raidho had bartered to save.

Nearly 500 years ago, Raidho sacrificed lifetimes of servitude as the mortal man watched his small homestead burn from miles away. High in the hills he would not make it back in time to save them from the Christians moving through the countryside burning heretics.

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