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Once we arrive home I'm greeted by a dog named Uno and a cat named Cheeto. Uno was a beautiful golden retriever and Cheeto was an adorable orange cat.

They walk me to my room , it was painted pink with one black wall , there were there were a couple 5 Second Of Summer and Bring Me The Horizon posters waiting for me and a couple outfits. The first outfit was a blue hoodie and a pair of black shorts. The second outfit was a pair of black skinny jeans ripped all the way down and a purple t-shirt. I hug them and tell them thank you. I unpack and placed my floral bed spread and sheets on my bed. After I make my bed Cheeto jumps up and rolls everywhere.

I sit next to him and pet him slowly , he had the softest fur. He was sweet and playful and slowly feel asleep.

Ryland walks in and says dinner was almost ready.

I told him I wasn't hungry and he said okay and walked off.

I lay next to Cheeto and fall asleep.

Im sick.

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