Keith felt his heart sink, Lance had been joking about dating for a while now, but this was genuine. How was he supposed to tell him now? That he hasn't dated since high school? That he wasn't ready for all this

Lance was so...positive. Like sure, he was obnoxious and overly dramatic half the time, but he means well. He always looks out for his friends, and he tries so hard. If they were ever a couple, Keith didn't think he could handle it. Lance would probably want to go completely public, he'd probably spam his social media with them all the time, go on a bunch of meticulously planned dates, adopt some weird animal, cook together- hell, Lance probably directs couples' yoga.

And it wasn't like Keith didn't want that. He wanted nothing more than for Lance to give him weird pet names, pester him about his lack of a proper skin routine, make him laugh when he's supposed to be infuriated. Lance would make Keith so happy.

'But I could never do that for him...'

In all possible outcomes of their possible relationship, Keith could see it ending two ways.

One, it all ends in complete chaos- that's the one he's specifically trying to avoid.

Or two, Lance ends up being the best thing to ever happen to him....

....But Lance doesn't feel the same.

Keith knew that he couldn't be Lance's dream guy. He wasn't outgoing, or super funny. If Lance wanted to go out, Keith would hold him back. If Lance wanted to cook together, Keith would burn the house down. If Lance wanted to wear matching outfits, he would have to accept never wearing another colour lighter than pitch black ever again.

Lance loved PDA, Keith loved intimacy.

Lance loved parties and the beach, Keith loved movie nights and pajamas.

Lance was detail oriented. Keith was impulsive.

Lance was like blue; calm, collected, full of life. Keith burned red; passionate, uncontrollable, full of light. 

And in a relationship, they were bound to clash. 

The way Keith saw it, he had two options. He could either give in, and pay the price later when it burns up in flames. Or, save them both the trouble.

Keith sighed.


"So just like that, he said no?" Hunk held a drink in one hand, as he patted his friend with the other. It felt good to be able to comfort his friends, even if it was just a little. And right now? Lance looked pretty down. So he and Pidge took him out here, onto the beach, just an hour before the party starts, so they could look at the stars and talk it out. It's always helped before, and Hunk didn't feel like one to break tradition. 

"Maybe he's just having a mood." Pidge suggested, trying to cheer their friend up. The three of them sat nestled close

"Nah, he seemed serious. Said that we were too different, that we couldn't make each other happy."

"You two seemed happy. Are you sure he wasn't just confused?" Hunk asked.

"No, Hunk. I was happy, I'm obviously not enough for him if he doesn't want to be with me. A guy like him could be with anybody, so why settle for Lance McLoser?"  Lance choked, his voice cracking with pain between each syllable. He buried his head into his knees in a fetal position, toes curling for the sand beneath them.

"Woah woah." Hunk and Pidge shot straight up, discomfort tugging at their chests. Lance was always on the more sensitive side, and seeing him be anything less than cocky and smartass worried them deeply.

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