Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight

When I woke up I was excited to continue on with my day. Time to go traveling and experience more of the world!

Griffin was still a bit surprised at what I had done, he seemed to be a little awkward around me. I was bit calmer and didn’t show emotions as much. Though I did make an effort to smile at him. “So where did you plan to take us next?”

For the first time that morning he gave me a real smile, “France, 1665, June 7th. We are going to attend a ball.”

A ball?! I gave him a bright smile of excitement and I saw how happy he actually was. I had missed him, but to him I must be an entirely different person. I literally changed in a day to him. But I was gone for a year. It’s complicated.

We gathered our things and said goodbye to the two girls then left the little house. The streets were once again busy with people doing their daily things. So many people! I haven’t seen this many people in so long.

Act natural Abbie, don’t go crazy.

“So Femi told me you learned something new...” Griffin said slowly, as if he was nervous to ask me.

I smiled at him, “yea, I learned how to jump.”

He raised an eyebrow at me, “what?”

I rolled my eyes and laughed which seemed to ease up some of the tension between us. “No, it’s like teleporting from place to place in one time.”

He scrunched his eyebrows in confusion as we left the walls of the city so no one would see us disappear. “I’ll just show you.”

We walked away from gate the city for a bit longer till we knew no one would see us. But we were still along the wall so that he could run through it. We stopped and he looked at me expectantly. Before he could say anything, I jumped so I was behind him. I could see that he was surprised and I tapped him on the shoulder.

He jumped and flung around with his hands in fists. He relaxed once he saw me. “Jumping, got it.”

I laughed, “oh and I don’t have to run into walls or trees to time travel anymore, which is a plus.” He stared at me for a second before looking like he got an idea.

I watched as he started to run towards the wall and shouted, “last one there is a rotten egg!”

I rolled my eyes as he disappeared, he is such a child. But I do have to beat him. So I disappeared.

The building in front of me was beautiful. I stared at it in awe as there was a noise and a groan come from behind me. “Damn it, you win.”

I smiled, Griffin lost.

“So, we are going to a ball?” I asked as he came to stand beside me.

“Yep!” He was just as excited as I was. “Now let’s get going!”

We both started to walk up towards the house and there was a lady standing there. She smiled softly once she saw us and bowed. “Welcome Lord Griffin Gray and Lady Abigail Brooks. The party will be starting soon, may I suggest that we help you into something a little bit more... suited for the event.”

I rolled my eyes while Griffin laughed at the lady. She was obviously not used to seeing people wear the sort of clothes we were wearing. I was only in jeans in a t-shirt but that is so much different for the large flowy dress that she was wearing.

We followed her into the large building where we got weird looks from all the guards and maids running about. I didn’t care, this place was beautiful!

I don’t know how many doors we went through or how many turns we made because there was so many. I lost track of where I was mostly because I was paying more attention to the fancy walls and amazing decor.

When we finally stopped I was brightly smiling and my face was starting to hurt, but that didn’t matter. Griffin was laughing at me silently and the lady was scared. I don’t know why she was scared, but she was. I think I was scaring her. Well, it’s not my fault.

Griffin left and a bunch of ladies came to help me put on this huge dress. I took a few steps away from the bright pink thing that was covered in lace and gems. “I will die before I wear that thing.”

The lady sighed, “this is what Lord Griffin had instructed you wear to the ball this evening.”

I raised my eyebrows at her, “I will not be wearing this dress this evening.”

She opened her mouth to speak again and I cut her off, “I will be finding my own attire for tonight.”

She bowed her head slightly, seeing that she had upset me.

“Now, would you and the other people in this room please leave to let me get ready,” I said to no one in particular.

“Lady Abigail, we must help you dress yourself and get ready for the ball-”

I put my hand up to stop her from talking, “I am perfectly capable of preparing myself. Now leave.”

She was starting to annoy me and opened her mouth to speak again but all of the other maids left and I gave her the death glare and she left slowly. I smiled to myself. Why not go back home and spend some time preparing for this with my mom and sister. I sure would love to see them!

I closed my eyes and in a moment I was standing in the middle of my living room. I took a deep breath and smiled, someone was making cookies.

My smile grew and I took off running into the kitchen. My mom was standing over a bowl of cookie dough and my sister was taking some out of the oven. I stood in the doorway for a second before running towards my mom and pulling her into a hug. She was startled for a second but turned her head and saw me and wrapped her arms around me.

I sighed and relaxed and felt more at home than I have been since I left just over a year ago.

“How long have I been gone?” I asked as my mom held me tight.

She sighed, “for us, it’s been just over a full day. How about you?”

“A year and a day,” I pulled back out of the hug to smile at her. “I saved her mom, but the reason I’m here is because I have to go to a ball in pre-revolutionary France and I need help getting ready for it.”

My mom smiled, “you get to meet royalty then?” I nodded my head with excitement. “Well lets go shopping then!!!”

I laughed at my mom and my sister stared at us in confusion but didn’t say anything until I pulled her into a hug, “I missed you Rhea!”

“Umm,” she slowly hugged me back, “welcome back? Why do you look different?”

I smiled, “no reason.”

My mom went to grab her purse and we both left my sister to finish the cookies on her own as we went to the mall to go shopping. I had never been so excited to go shopping in my life.

Moment - CampNanoWriMo April 2014Where stories live. Discover now