17 - A heartless day

Start from the beginning

Soon we were at the best club I've ever been. Girls and music loud. I knew every club had that thing but that place it was something else something more like yourself. I would relate that place with Leonardo's​ Monalisa.

That place had two different sections. Another one was for 21+ but I was heartless and that would sum up anything. I looked towards the Cass and Kelly but they weren't there catching on with me. They were busy in their stuffs. I went straight towards the place. And there it was ; the real world. There were beautiful strippers all around the place. Some of them had a great sense of humor as well. It was being a perfect day of my life; like I forever pictured in my mind; like the real me I've always wanted.

But after that something happened I've never wanted. I met an eye with the security over the place. He wanted to confirm my age. God! America's is legally strict. Obviously it was the Trump's place. And soon there were cops interrogating me. I was supposed to be heartless but I shouldn't act that because this time I could get caught and prisoned. Yet I had that promise; promise to myself. And I couldn't let myself down. I acted like a total shit. And finally they got me into their car. Still I was on my own attitude. What would everyone think? What about my parents? I could think but I couldn't break the promise I had kept with myself. So I acted like a total shit. But you know miracles do happen. Luckily they thought I was crazy. Okay not specifically that word. They thought I was lunatic. One of them wanted to send me to a psychiatrist but another one was careless. Good for me though. He just dropped me off the road and sailed away.

I went out of there and I found 28 missed calls in my phone. They were from two different numbers and that sums up that they both were Cass and Kelly.
I tried to call but first one was out of network. But luckily second one got connected and it was Cass.

"Hey man. Where the fuck you are?"

"Just in this bridge. I don't knows what it's called." I replied.

"Oh fuck! You're drunk, aren't you? " He was being furious.

"I know you are. "

"Yeah. Okay I got you. Stay there."

And soon there he was running towards me. I was still searching him on my phone though.

"That place is blast dude." I told him.

"Yeah it is. Wait wait. You went inside the strippers​' section, didn't you?" He looked bossy.

"Maybe." I had my own style.

"Maybe? Maybe? You know that's illegal. You could get caught. Oh goodness. What has gotten into you? You aren't alright today. Something has happened. Just tell me. Man, you're freaking me out. "  And that was him. That guy. Humans are actual salamanders.

"Why are you acting like a married woman? You taught me all these things, right?"

"Maybe. But I didn't tell you to get chased by the cops."

"Yeah. But they left me without any of my identity." I was proud this time.

"What?? You actually got caught. Man you're a freak. I can't take you ;not anymore."

"It's not what you think though. And if you don't want to be a friend of someone who's been through all this then it's fine by me. "  That was something I told with the immense pain on my heart like I was hit by the thousands of thorns.

"Do you really think I meant it? Man you're so trumpy. That word was for Donald though. But you went into a strippers' place ; you ran away from the cops. Man, you're living a real life. Carry on my boy." And this time we had already reached the apartment. He waved me goodbye and went. And I , with a lot of excitement and pride inside my bones was approaching towards my bed. I laid on my bed thinking about the stuffs I did the whole day.

And somewhere I ended up thinking about the person who wrote that heartless thing in blog. Who was it? I thought the person should have gone through a lot. With those words everyone would guess the same. I decided to check that blog once again. It was a girl. Her username read darkprincess05 . I thought about her and I was feeling sleepy then. I turned that off and tried to sleep.

You can't really sleep when you want so hard, can you? Every second on the clock, the every tickle was making a musical sound and beyond all of my doubts , I suddenly remembered her. Yeah, her. Each and every stuffs we did together were clear on my mind. From the day of that marriage, almost everything. I thought we spent time together for few months but the flashbacks could last for few minutes only.

I spent the world day pretending I was heartless. I almost got knocked by cops but I didn't break that promise. But now, this ended with nothing. I did all of that just to get her way off my mind but now I was thinking about her and I couldn't sleep.
Every road I choose, it was going to end with her or maybe just her memories.

You know, the actual life of the person is his life in darkness. At the day, you got your friends with whom you could joke and do other stuffs. You could pretend; just pretend that you're heartless but. There's a big but. But at the end of the day, you are all alone and that's the real you. Believe me whether you like or not , that's the person who's actually inside you , beyond the thoughts of the world. You could pretend in front of everyone and make them fool but you can't do that with yourself. That evil inside you,the good evil will find you and at the end of the day you'll figure yourself out, one way or other.

And in the same way, I was always with her, maybe not physically but mentally and spiritually I was always with her. I couldn't get off her. I never could. I could never be heartless as well because I was already heartless. My heart it was already owned by her, maybe taken or blown away by her. But either way it wasn't mine and I couldn't live without it. Now that I didn't have my heart I should get hers.
Now it's just the matter of time. I want​ to wait for her and I would. Maybe I would get old and my skin turns into the rust, I'll be waiting for her. I know she'll come. She must come to provide life to my lifeless body. Julia , Just wait for me a little longer. I beg you. I am not telling you to wait till the stars and sun collide but please give me a chance.

And that was all I was thinking and I really meant that. I would wait for her, maybe till the world ends or until I end.

And I am getting more and more into it. Now I am starting​to think this story from different views though.
Next update soon. Goodbye Folks.

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