Moving to L.A

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Your p.o.v
Today I am packing to move to LA to continue my career of being a YouTuber and singer
You''uhhhh packing up is so hard.''
1 hour later
''Finally done'' You say in relief you sit on the floor and called my mom to pick me up to take me to the airport.
Phone call [m=mom y=you]
Y=hi,mom can you pick me up and take me to the airport please?
M=sure honey I'll be there in 10.
Y=thanks mom bye.
End off call
10 minutes later
Beep beep you here your mom's car outside and grab everything and walk out.
-skip the car ride-
''Bye mom I'll miss you.''
''Bye honey be safe''
You go to your gate and your flight was delayed 20 minutes so you go on Instagram and you find Logan's profile.
''Omg Logan changed so much.'' You say in your head.
20 mins later
You finally get on the plane and sleep right away.You finally land and go and grab your stuff and see..............
To be continued
A/n hi guys cliff hanger I'm going to try and update as often as I can because I have a project for school give me some ideas and tell me how this chapter was and if it is bad don't worry this is only my first chapter.

Logan vs Jake PaulOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant