Chapter 20 Winter Cabin.

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(Wes's P.O.V)(EDITED)

I grabbed (Y/N)'s bags put on my winter gear and rushed out of the cramped bus. "Thanks Wes but i can take one at least." She yells to me. "No problem i got them." I say rushing out with the crowd. "WES!" She says running up to catch me. I laugh and walked faster out the bus. I run all the way into the cabin while she is closely behind. I set her stuff down and turn to see where she was. Right when i do 'that Somebody' runs straight into me pulling me into a hug. Such a Dork.

I hug her back, picking her up and spinning her in the process. She giggles as i set her down. "Hi." She says innocently. "Hi." I say as she smiles widely. "I was gonna run into you so instead of falling down like an idiot it would be easier to hug you. I took the easier route" She says getting flustered a little bit. "Dork.." I say ruffling her hair.

"Your calling me a dork." She says fixing her hair. She gets up on a stool near by and jumps on my back. I laugh and start spinning in circles and running around the house. Everyone was filming and we didn't care. "WES!!" She yells happily holding on tight. I run one more lap then i set her down. She stumbles a bit but soon enough she is able to stand up. "Your the Dork." She says ruffling my hair. I just laugh and roll my eyes.

We talk a bit more until she goes to talk to the others. Man she is adorable. That hug could go on forever in my book. I need to tell her my feelings. If i drag it out to much she will get another man or another man will get her. I don't know what it is but i know i am meant to be with her. We are SO similar. Everyone set this up in Smosh so i know they think the same. I can't imagine losing her.

I frown a bit to myself and walk over to Lazercorn who is sitting alone staring at his phone. "Hey." I say sitting down and putting my head in my hands. "He presses a button on his phone and looks over giving his full attention. "What's wrong?" He asks. "Promise you won't tell anyone." I say looking him straight in the eyes making sure he wasn't lying. "I promise."

(Lazercorn's P.O.V)

"I like (Y/N)." He says quietly as he gets all flustered."Like..Like (Y/N)." He smiles a bit. I'm assuming he is thinking about her. YES! I got the confession on tape!! Flitz will be happy with what I've done. Got their 'fight' and got a normal cute picture, got there little hug scene 30 minutes ago, and a confession, that is BIG! My face lights up as i check to see if the camera is getting it. Yep. Every single second. "Dude that's AMAZING." I say supporting him. He lifts up his face up and smiles very wide. "Really!" "Yeah. Can't you see that she likes you to."

"SHE DOES HOW DO YOU KNOW." He says his face fully litten up and happy. He said it powerful but quiet so nobody can hear this conversation. "I don't know for sure but you can kinda tell. It's pretty obvious" His face drops a little but you can see the hope in his eyes. "I can assure you she likes you. I can even find out." I say reassuring. "Really!? Please can you. I don't want to risk our friendship by asking her." He says with worry and plead in his eyes. "I'll ask but a little later." I say. He pulls me into a great bear hug.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! " He laughs. His smile is so BIG. That makes me feel good. I made a person smile this wide. Quite a accomplishment. "Your welcome." He stands up with the same big smile and runs energetically around. Typical Man-baby. "Time to pick rooms!" Matt Raub yells. "Find your rooming buddies.

I run to Flitz. "Wanna be roommates?" I ask excitedly. "Sure." Everybody runs upstairs to find a bedroom. Ppssh! Me and Flitz look on the bottom floor and find a PERFECT ROOM. Two giant beds and enough room for both of us. "JACK-POT!" I say running and jumping on a bed. Flitz joins me as we hear laughter coming from the doorway.

"You guys are idiots." (Y/N) says laughing but comes in and starts to jump with us. We do that for 3 minutes until we all get tired. "Why are you here (Y/N)? Shouldn't you be finding a room." Flitz asks flopping on the bed.

"I am waiting. I don't really care what room i get or what roommate i have." She shrugs. "Whoever i'm with i get to talk to and make better friends with. I told the group already so once everyone finds their room Mari is gonna get me and tell me who i'm with." We nod indicating we understand. "(Y/N)!" Mari called. "Theirs my cue. Bye guys." She said walking out of the room.

I wait a couple seconds until i know that she can't hear what i'm about to say. But to make sure i close the door. "Guess what." I say running to sit by Flitz. "What?" He says confused. "I got some videos." I say shaking my phone . He claps in excitement as i show him the videos.

The first one he just 'awed' at the cuteness but the second one was a jaw dropper. "LAZERCORN TH-THIS IS BIG. THIS IS THE ...BEST!!" He says excited. "Are you glad you let me in this project.." I say nudging him. "OF COARSE.....This is gonna be awesome once it is done."

(Y/N) P.O.V)

I walk out of the boys room and searched for Mari. "Hey Mari What's up." I say. "Ok your gonna have to room with a boy because Me,Olivia, and Courtney are rooming." "That's fine."I shrug. "Great! So your rooming with Joven." I laugh considering how ironic it was that he was the one that was always the left over. "That's cool. Thanks!" I say and go get my stuff to bring it to the shared room. It took a couple trips but that's fine.

"Hi Joven." I say hugging him from behind clearly scaring him. "WOW Jeez (Y/N)." He says turning around to hug me back. "So which bed is mine?" I ask politely. "Umm you can pick. Ladies first." He says standing out of the way so i can pick. "Don't be silly you pick. I'm not a Lady i'm a child." I say making a goofy face.

It took a couple minutes of arguing back and forth but i finally persuaded him to pick first. I sat on my bed and got comfy.

Me and Joven talked a little bit so we could get to know each other a bit more. We haven't talked a lot and i know we would be best friends if we tried. Well No because me and Lazercorn, and me and Wes, but he would be a close 4th. (1st. Wes 2nd. Lazercorn 3rd. Ever) Cant leave Ever. Even tho we haven't talked in weeks. I wonder where she went in my life, Probably should call her soon.

"Come on guys time to choose teams." Matt Raub yelled so the whole cabin could hear. I'm ready.


Sohinki, Keith, and Shane

Lazercorn, and Flitz

Wes, and Noah

Joven, and (Y/N)

Mari, Courtney, Olivia

Ian, and Anthony.

Editors and Camera crew have a whole other cabin close by.

(1,016 Words)

Thanks for reading :) This is really coming together i think and I AM AT 20 CHAPTERS!! (That was my goal.) I have to make a lot more to compleate this story. Probably somewhere in the 30ies. BUT WHAT IF I HIT 50!!! Today was ok. I got diagnosed with depression and anxiety. yay. Also my crush actually had a full conversation with me. (But didn't want to say my name for some reason. He called me by my stupid last name.)
This was made 9/1/17

Well that's it Love Ya Birdies CYA~ J.Birdie

(1380 Words)

My Dork (Wes Johnson X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora