Chapter 1 - A Twist In Fates

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"Yixing hyung! Get up! Get up! We are late!!!" Kyungsoo yelled at the top his lungs while shaking the sleeping boy. Yixing just whined and rolled over. Kyungsoo sighed and got on top of the boy to blow at his neck. He leaned close and after 2 blows the slumbering boy started wailing and almost threw Kyungsoo off the bed. Yixing jolted up and started muttering Chinese angrily. "Hyung we will have time later... just get up! We are late for Professor Kim's class!!" Kyungsoo yelled again as he started running around their room to gather his stuff. Yixing looked at him for a while before the words started to settle on his minds and he immediately shot up from his seat howling in his accented Korean "Oh My God!!!". He started gathering his stuff with fury and dressed up fast like cheetah. Both of them ran as fast as possible and reached the already full auditorium and took their seat at the very back.

"I think we made it on time" Yixing whispered close to his ears. Kyungsoo nodded as he started taking his books out. The class started but instead of their old, grumpy Professor Kim, a young and handsome man, dressed in blue sweater entered the auditorium and stood on the lecturer's stage. Kyungsoo looked at Yixing with confusion and Yixing just shrugged. "Good morning everyone. I am Kim Junmyeon and I'll be replacing your Professor Kim Sung Ho for this semester. Nice to meet you all." He said politely. Kyungsoo looked at YIxing to see his reaction and saw that Yixing was gaping at the man. "He is handsome isn't he?" Kyungsoo teased. Yixing just gave him his dimpled smile and motioned him to focus on the class.

Kyungsoo was your average simple guy. He lived a simple life like any other people. He belonged from a small town and his family consisted of his mom who was a school teacher, his dad who was a renowned lawyer, his older brother who was working in a big company and recently got married to his long time girlfriend and their family dog Miso who is named after his remarkable smile. He studied in public school all his life and later got a scholarship in the prestigious Seoul National University. He was so shocked when he heard it but it was his dream after all.

He had loads of friends here and there but he barely talked to people. But he had his small circle of close friends which consisted of Jongdae who was actually his long distance cousin, Luhan who he met in his junior year of high school and Yixing who was his roommate/best friend. Even though he had small group of friends, Kyungsoo was happy and content with his life. He loved his family, he loved his friends and all in all he loved his life.

The lecture ended and they all scrambled to their feet and left the auditorium. He stretched his arms and looked at Yixing snoring lightly beside him. A fond smile spread across his lips and suddenly he remembered how he became friends with this sleeping man beside him.

It was raining cats and dogs that day and it's been just a week since he moved to the SNU dorms. He was still getting to know Seoul and he enjoyed it very much. For him Seoul was like an adventure. He was walking back to his dorm with some groceries when he saw a man drenched in rain standing near their university gate. He was totally wet and was slightly shivering from the cold. Kyungsoo felt something tug at his heart and he carefully walked towards the stranger not even thinking about that the guy could possibly be a kidnapper. "Hey can I help you?" Kyungsoo said and held his umbrella to keep the drenched stranger from further getting wet. The guy looked at him and attempted to give a small smile but immediately regretted it when his teeth started clattering. Kyungsoo looked around and saw his luggage was wet from the rain too. "Are you new here?" Kyungsoo asked the stranger and he nodded while shivering. Kyungsoo thought for while about what he should do with this shivering stranger. It's not his responsibility to look after some lone stranger but Kyungsoo was not made of stone. He can't just let this guy stand here in the cold rain. Therefore he picked his luggage and told the stranger to follow him so they can go to his dorm.

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