Jody Mills and her Adoption Agency

Start from the beginning

(By the way this is what the babies are in)

(Just for reference)(Also sorry about the blackout on the bottom I just covered up the logo so I don't risk copyright)(Anyways moving on)

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(Just for reference)
(Also sorry about the blackout on the bottom I just covered up the logo so I don't risk copyright)
(Anyways moving on)

By the end of the night Dean and I were exhausted but we had enjoyed the day
I just lied there in Dean's arms smiling before drifting to sleep....

~time skip to a week later~
The Inspection was today
It was making Dean and I really Nervous
Suddenly the doorbell rang
"I got it" dean announced kissing my cheek and standing up to go to the door and Let Jody in
"Hey!"I could hear him say from the living room
I decided I would walk over there
"Hey!"I said
"Hi could one of you get one or both of the babies? They're heavy...."
"Of course"dean said and smiled while taking the babies and setting the car seats they were in on the couch
We started taking Jody to each room so she could look through it and make sure it was an acceptable environment for children to live in
We finished and walked beck into the Living Room before Jody spoke
"Ok! Everything looks fine so...I'm assuming you want the children now?"
"Yea! If that isn't a problem of course...."dean said trying to sound calm but I could tell he was either nervous or excited....I couldn't tell which but it was one of the two
"Ok I'll go get the paperwork from my car...and uh-I'll just leave the children here, if that's alright?"
"Of course!"I responded because dean was too busy playing with Rose
"So...uh...where's my room going to be?"John asked
"It's the only door on the right across from your door is Rose and Maya's room and that other door is the bathroom, and just for future reference Our bedroom is the door over there" I said gesturing over to the door to Me and Dean's bedroom

"Ok, Thanks"and with that he went to unpack, none of them had much so we were planning to take them shopping this weekend but we'd figure that out later
"Ok I'm back,here's the paperwork to make it official and here's the Adoption Certificates!" She said handing it all to us
Dean and I signed the paperwork after reading everything over we finally finished and Dean went to go put the Adoption Certificates in our bedroom before returning to sit next to me
"Ok now so...uh...I have the rights to come by and look through the house whenever I want just to make sure everything is ok and for the first year I have to come by at least once a month! Ok?"
"Ok sounds Fair! We just want the children to be ok so if that will keep them safe then you're welcome to come and move in!" Dean said and we all laughed
"Ok boys I'll call you two sometime to figure out when I'll come by next month. Have a good day!"
"ThankYou and You too!"Dean said closing and locking the door behind him before walking over to me and kissing me
"We're Dads..."he whispered to me
"Mhm...that's why I have to be a responsible adult and pull away to go put Rose and Maya in their cribs and then maybe we Can try to have a movie night with John?"I said pulling away from him
"Ok,Sounds good!"
"Ok...umm...can you get Maya I can't carry both..."
"Of course" he responded talking Maya and Walking to their Bedroom with me
I took Rose out of her car seat/carrier and rocked her in my arms for a little while,until she fell asleep.
She Finally fell asleep and I softly set her small body down in her crib before pulling the blanket over her
Dean had decided to wait for me to finish by waiting in the door way watching until I came to go walk to John's room to see if he wanted to do a movie night, when I walked by the door he interlaced our fingers before we walked to John's room
"Hey...we were wondering if you wanted to have a movie night?"
"Yea,Sure! That sounds kinda fun actually....what movie were you thinking?"
"Uh...we hadn't picked one out yet,but we have a pretty big selection if you want to come in there and help us pick out a movie!"
"Sure sounds good...."he said smiling warmly before standing up and walking with us to the living room "ok so...any movies you haven't seen that you want to see?"
"...the hunger was supposedly too violent to watch infront of younger children"
"Ok sounds good to me,Dean?"
"Whatever makes you two happy..."he said kissing my cheek
John looked at us and smiled
I had told Dean that John was gay after Jody,John and the twins had left the first time they came to the apartments so Dean knew why he was so calm about He and I being Married
It was a relief that he had been ok with it because with infants you can teach them but with a teenager let alone a 17yr old what they've been taught is what they've been taught..

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