Chapter 13

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The Woodland Halls

Tensions ran high as Adlanniel and the others in her company ran into the great reception hall. It came as no surprise that more than several other Elves as well as the Elvenking himself had already gathered near the throne.

Hunters, scouts, emissaries and high ranking warriors were amongst the group in deep discussion with the king. There was an air of haste amongst their discussion, and a concerned urgency weighed the air.

The group had barely made their way halfway up the hall when the group of Elves surrounding the king made their exit hurriedly.

Ada?” Legolas called out urgently, when the great king had not paid heed to their entrance.

Thranduil turned to them then, his face full of deep thought.

Ada.....There is smoke on the horizon....” Legolas began, knowing full well that his father already had such knowledge.

“I am aware of it.” Thranduil replied as he crossed his arms behind his back, pacing slowly across the marble floor, thoughts still riddling his ancient mind.

“I could sense a great peril coming from the south shortly after Lady Adlanniel and yourself made off into the forest. The guards in the watch tower were soon to spot the smoke on the horizon coming from the villages of the Woodsmen. Something grave and dire has befallen them. I can not help but believe that Orcs are involved. I can smell their foul stench from here.”

Legolas and the others looked on to the king in surprise  for they had not been able to pick up such a scent. It was apparent that the Elvenking was truly adept in his abilities. Being one of the oldest Elves still living in Arda, even more ancient than the wise Lord Elrond, it would have been expected.

“If those foul beasts are truly involved, where do you think they have hailed from? Hithaeglir?” Legolas asked concerned.

“I am sure, if they had hailed from there...” Thranduil began as he turned to look out one of the large gaping windows. “We would have either received word from the skin-changers in Hithaeglir or from Lady Adlanniel’s kin in Imladris that Orcs were moving south. No, these Orcs hail from Mordor....”

“How can you be so sure?” Legolas questioned his father's resolve on the matter. Thranduil frowned at this, unappreciative of his son’s doubt.

“I am certain, iôn. Tôl auth.”

A gasp of shock and disbelief came from the group before him. Thranduil then turned to the Captain of the guard.

“Idhrenion, increase the patrol along our southern borders. Nothing and no one is to enter or leave this realm without my absolute permission. Is that understood?”

The young Captain bowed in obeisance.

“Yes, heruamin.” And with that the Captain and his guards went in haste, making their leave of the young prince and his lady.

As he turned to face them, Thranduil softened his expression, giving them a smile of reassurance as he did so.

“Worry not for now, my dear children. We will know for certain how dire the situation is once the scouts return from their investigation into the matter. Though we can not be too cautious nor let our guard down lest we are taken unprepared.”

Legolas nodded in agreement at his father's words.

“Shall I join the patrol with Idhrenion and the others Ada?” He then asked, hopeful at the prospect of being able to partake in some real action.

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