Jongyu - Under the Blue Light | part 2/2

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In which Jonghyun saves Jinki from a bad situation and conversation starts to flow.

Wordcount: 3,1K

"Okay, my turn. Between tea and coffee, you're a tea person," Jonghyun said with much confidence as they sat opposite each other, eating breakfast in Jonghyun's small kitchen.

"That's too easy. When you asked if I wanted coffee last night I asked for tea and I did the same just now." Jinki narrowed his eyes, pointing at the mug in front of him. Jonghyun scoffed.

"Too easy? I didn't know this had to be difficult." He crossed his arms and leant back in his chair, which gave Jinki a better view of his abs as he still hadn't put on a shirt. "You sleep with clothes on for sure. I can tell you're not a naked sleeper," Jonghyun said instead.

"Correct. You sleep naked don't you?" Jonghyun answered with a hum and took a bite of his toast. "You prefer summer over winter." He looked into the eyes of the shirtless man in front of him, awaiting his answer.

"You're right. I'm gonna guess you're a winter person. You look cuddly in that snowy way." Jinki chuckled at this but nodded his head yes. "You've slept with quite a few people I think. Not an insane amount but I think you've had your fair share," he continued. Jinki nodded with a slight blush becoming visible on his cheeks.

"You haven't. Not because you can't, because you won't. You like sex though, but you're picky," Jinki guessed. Jonghyun thought for a second.

"Close, but I'm not picky. I'd just rather have sex when there are feelings involved. I like the tenderness that is always present, no matter how rough the sex is." He took a sip of his coffee and Jinki couldn't help but stare as he did so. He felt an urge to kiss his coffee flavoured lips when he sat in front of him so effortlessly sexy.

"Can we do something else now that I lost?" Jinki said, still looking at Jonghyun with fascination. Jonghyun smiled at the older and placed his hand on the table. Jinki came up with different games they could play, looking around the kitchen as he thought. Jonghyun still sat across from him, staring at the boy completely absorbed in his own thoughts. Jonghyun reached across the table and grabbed Jinki's hand. Jinki snapped out of his thoughts and looked over at Jonghyun before smiling down at their entwined hands.

"Any ideas?" Jonghyun asked, his serious eyes locking Jinki in a gaze he could not escape.

"I want to know more about the guy from last night. You told me you knew him..." Jinki trailed off, his curiosity getting the best of him. He squeezed Jonghyun's hand once as he watched him prepare to answer.

"We used to go out. I usually judge well, but he seemed to trick me and that's why he's dangerous. I had no idea I was making a mistake until I had already been hurt badly. I wasn't stupid or inexperienced. He was tricky and quick; so quick it didn't allow me to think. That's why I snatched you out of there. I didn't want you to become his next target." Jinki listened carefully to every word and nodded along as Jonghyun spoke to him. "It's very likely that he numbed you so that he could rape you without having you run away." Jinki tightened his grip on Jonghyun's hand at the forward words. "There's nothing to worry about anymore." Jonghyun smiled shortly but reassuringly, and Jinki instantly relaxed in the comfort of Jonghyun's company.

"Thank you for saving me, my hero," Jinki said in an overly dramatic voice and with a wide grin that showed his slightly crooked teeth. Jonghyun stared in awe at the angelic smile from the angelic man in front of him.

"I'm glad I did," Jonghyun responded, feeling how Jinki made him softer and softer each second. All of a sudden Jonghyun noticed Jinki's eyebrows furrow and his eyes look worried back at him.

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