Sinbad x Fem! male reader x Jafar (Fluff)

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I looked at Ja'far and waited to see what he was about to say, but nothing. We just stood there in complete silence. I then caught him looking at Sinbad. God did I feel like such an idiot.

"I see what's happening here. You really were done with me weren't you?" I asked him. "Is it because i'm a woman in a mans body?"

"No. It's not like that." Ja'far said as he took a step closer.

"It is like that. You fucking glanced at Sinbad for a second."

"Let's just tell him the truth Ja'far." Said Sinbad.

I crossed my arms, waiting for their excuse.

"I've been thinking of a new life, with Sinbad." Ja'far confessed.

That really hurt. I was hoping for something different. I couldn't help but start tearing up. 

"Then... What was the point with dating me for three years?" I asked, tears streaming down my face.

"Because we want to start a new life with you." Sinbad said.

"What?" I questioned.

"We, well Sinbad, was thinking that all three of us could be in a relationship." Ja'far said with a feint blush.


"It wasn't supposed to be like this though. We were supposed to tell you tomorrow... On your birthday." Sinbad said.

I wiped away my tears and groaned. "You idiots. You're supposed to tell me right off the bat. I don't even know if I can accept this." 

"Please. Just think about it (m/n)." Ja'far asked.

"I will, but I really don't like this guy." I said, pointing to Sinbad.

Sinbad chuckled. "You don't even know me that well."

"So? All I know is that you're a boyfriend snatcher." I told him.

"Don't worry gorgeous. You'll love me in the end." Sinbad said with a cheeky smile.

"I'm getting outta here before I smack the shit out of this eggplant." I told Ja'far.

"Alright. And i'm really sorry for bringing you to tears." Ja'far apologized, rubbing my cheek gently.

"Yeah. I still love you, but this is unforgiving... You really should have told me earlier." I said with a sigh.

"Well I won't make the same mistake twice. I must have really hurt you didn't I?" 

"Mhm..." I agreed, holding the hand on my face. "I really have to go though." 

"Ok. Love you." The whitete said, pecking my lips before letting me go.

---Three years later---

"Hey Eggplant." I called out Sinbad.

"Yes?" Sinbad asked sleepily.

"You have three seconds to get off your hand off of me before I cut it off." I threatened.

"Why?" Sinbad questioned.

"Because this body is only allowed to be touched by my sweetheart." I told him.

"But aren't I your sweetheart?"

"Fuck no."

"But what about you confessing that you loved me yesterday in your sleep?"

"I did not you idiot."

"Yes you did. You were like, 'Sinbad. I love you so. Carry me on our wedding while I wear a wonderful dress." Sinbad mocked.

I kicked him with skills from behind right where his family jewels were.

"Stop arguing already? We have a long day tomorrow." Ja'far told us in a quiet voice.

"Yes my love." I answered Ja'far.

"Yes sir." Sinbad said.

I snuggled close to Ja'far and yawned.

'I guess this relationship isn't so bad.' I thought.

"Mmh. What a nice soft butt." Sinbad hummed.

"Never mind. I take back what I said." I growled, kicking Sinbad off the bed.

Various Male x Uke! Male readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon