creek in love

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( creek pov )

I can't get distracted by her beauty but she is just so amazing and beautiful and perfect I can't denie that

" poppy could we go home now please" i asked doing my meditation pose like always

" sure creek let's go " poppy said taking my hand in hers and walking to her castle pod 

WOW I really have a second chance I could blow it and get my revenge or I could have poppy and become king no she probably gonna choose branch because I know she loves him more 

" creek you ok " poppy said stareing at me with her concerned face

" I'm fine love just tired " i said smiling at her and giving her a hug

" so how does it feel to finally be queen of Troll village do you feel powerful " i said winking at her yes I am flirting right now

" yea I guess it's powerful but it's hard work to anyway you feeling better now you know after you hurt yourself" she said looking at me once again

" i told you love I'm fine but I really am tired so maybe we should head to bed " i told her yarning tiredly

" come on then " she said as we entered her pink sparkling scrapbook pod it was all pink and I noticed a blue one close to poppies who's is that pod

" ok well make yourself at home " poppy said heading to her room

" poppy who's is that blue pod there next to yours " i said hoping she wouldn't say the troll I hate the most B.R.A.N.C.H

" oh that's branches you see he moved out him bunker yesterday and into a pod instead because well I said he should try making new friends instead of living alone " poppy said fixing her hair in front of me with her pink comb I still have the comb she gave me a a year ago

" ok well go night love see you in the morning " i said walking over to her to give her a hug and a little kiss on the cheek

But before she could say anything I headed to my room and closed the door if branch lives next door I'll make sure his funeral in soon

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