⋆8⋆Miss Wretched

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Today's recommended song- lightning bolt- jake bugg

Today's recommended song- lightning bolt- jake bugg

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Diana Hughes.
October 2nd, 2016.

After prying my lips from his enticing ones, he drove off and I returned to my window.

I looked at the glass, the sun starting to reflect into it due to its rise, I pushed my fingernails underneath its outline and pulled, expecting it to slide open. It didn't.

I pushed my face against the glass, framing it with my hands. I forgot to leave it open slightly and was know locked out. Mother fucker.

I turned around in hope that maybe he hadn't driven off and could somehow help me. He was gone.

I pushed my fingertips under the glass once more but failed again, hitting it in anger.

"For fucks sake!" I slapped my hand to my lips after remembering my sleeping mother up stairs. I contemplated running off into the woods and fending for myself then decided it'd be too much effort, resorting to another idea.

I waked around to the back of my house, checking to see if the back door was unlocked, it wasn't, why would it be? I slipped up the doormat and pulled out the spare key, such a dangerously obvious place to hide one.

I slid it into the lock and opened the door, cursing myself when it creaked loudly and slammed against the wall as I had pushed it too hard.

I closed it afterwards, quietly this time, and tiptoed to my room.


I poured the milk into the bowl of cereal as my mother started the conversation, spiking nerves in the pit of my stomach.

"You know, I wasn't going to mention the whole 'sneaking out in the middle of the night with boys' thing at all. I figured maybe he was sweet and you'd have a great night. But when he breaks the bathroom window throwing rocks at it, I thought I ought to mention it!" I flinched at the words, quietly chewing my cereal as she rode out her rant. "For gods sake, Diana!" I smiled awkwardly and she opened her mouth to continue when the door burst open.

We both snapped our heads to the door in unison and found Noah strolling into the kitchen. He grabbed my spoon and ate the bits of cereal that we left. I chewed my lip in an attempt not to laugh.

"Oh hey, Miss H." He tossed a hand up into the air and my mom mumbled something under her breath, tossing her hands in the air and walking off to the living room.

"Well she didn't seem very happy to see me." He mumbled, putting my dish into the dishwasher and walking out of my front door, holding it open for me to leave through.

We wandered to his car and I got into the passenger side as he began his boring journey to school. Boring. Everything that simply related to school in any form was boring: teachers- boring. Students- boring. Lessons- boring. Cute boys named Shawn that go to another school- incredibly interesting and intriguing. It was strange, like the word school was a synonym for monotonous yet when I thought of Shawn being at school I wanted nothing more than to study. I found myself wanting to do everything if it involved Shawn. He interested me. I loved being interested.

Miss Ritched was a very unpleasant woman. Her unpleasant personality matched perfectly to her unpleasant face. And her unpleasant body. Everything about her was revolting. Her nose was long and thin yet had a large nostril clinging to each side of it, on top of her bony nose lay a pair of thin rimmed glasses that she likes to peer down her nose through with her tiny little Beady eyes that looked somewhat similar to the eyes of a rat. Her cheekbones melted into the rest of her face and her lips were small and pouted, a layer of red lipstick smeared over them - small bits of dead skin flaking off them - they reminded me of a dogs ass.

So you can imagine my utter disgust when I was awoken to spit, flakes of dead skin and painful shrieks lathering my face.

"Miss Hughes I suggest if you have the ignorance to fall asleep in my class you leave!" I was jolted awake by a piercing screech in my ear. Her voice made me cringe, its high pitched nasal-ness made my ears want to scream. In fact I wanted to scream at her foul words and curses till her ears bled; instead I nodded and swiped the line of drool from my chin- trying to swipe the red from my cheeks while I was at it.

"Would you care to tell the class why you're so inconsiderate to think you're better than them and deserve the privilege to sleep while they work hard?!" I was so tempted to stand up and storm off, the tiredness intruding my actions. This wouldn't have happened if I hadn't of been adventuring with a dreamy boy at three am.

"Sorry." My words came out in low grumbled, almost like a snarl which only fuelled -like coal- her raging fire of anger.

"Sorry miss Ritched!" She told me to say and I did, or I tried. . .

"Sorry miss wretched." I spoke louder then immediately slapped my hand to my mouth as my eyes pierced wide along with everybody else in the class. I had accidentally called her a nasty nickname students called her behind her hunched back to her face, a terrible mistake.

She sighed and tried her hardest not to raise her bony fingers and slap me hard across the face.

"Get out, Diana."

"Miss I'm so sorry I really didn't mean to-"

"Get out!" She belted, making me flinch as I scrambled to get my books in my bag and hurry out of the classroom in a terrified shuffle.

I wasn't sure where to go after that, so I made my way to the main office after she never came to get me after twenty five minutes of waiting outside her class.

I was a little shocked and surprised when I found good boy Noah in the office with an ice pack to his forehead, blood trickling down his cheek and a guilty grin on his face.

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