chapter 3

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I was engaged in my own little world wonder on what the hell i was going to do next. I sat on the corner of a random building-i didn't bother looking what it was called. Every stranger that walked past me stared at me in a 'oh my god i feel so sorry for her' kind of way,if you know what i mean? It was as if they could read my mind and knew I had just walked out on my family casually,leaving everything behind. My suitcase was next to me and i had my Lonsdale Hood covered on top of me because it was in the middle of winter and I was freezing my arse off (excuse my french. But it's the truth.) OH.MY.GOD. They think I'm homeless! DA FWCK?! How could they possibly think that? I know i had a jacket to cover me up, a suit case by the side of me, i was sitting on a step outside a random building wearing these worn out scrappy looking trainers my father had bought me from the car boot sale a year ago for a euro.Bargain!(And yes. my feet haven't grown since then.)But anyway back to the point, I guess in a way,I'M FRICKING HOMELESS! I didn't think about this,I just thought about how the birds can just keep on flying without a coat to warm them up in this freezing blinking weather?

        What was i going to do?! I had survived from my father all my life, i can't cook and i have no co-ordination skills what so ever. I am not that brainy, I always copied Ashley in my test so i would be in higher sets all year round so my father would praise me for that. WAIT..Ashley! My best friend out of the entire world, the one that saves me from all of my troubles,the one that comforts me when im in trouble, or when im upset, the one,the only ASHLEY HINDLEY! She's the answer to all of my prairs.

I decided to grab my cell-phone that was right at the bottom of my suit-case, the strangers were staring at me weirdly once i began to pull my clothes out of my bag. I finally found my cell and found 'my best friend,home.' as her house name in my phone. I dialled it and heard a very polite and gentle tone voice..


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