Interlude 2

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Gotham City, Wayne Manor

It was a cool winter morning in Wayne Manor, and Alfred was cooking breakfast for Bruce and Dick who were sitting at the table. "Good morning, Master Wayne and Master Grayson. Have things been going well since the... New Years incident."

As Bruce was unsure of how to talk about recent events, Dick decided to take the lead. "Things have been good, Alfred. Wally and I have been working on some robots, and the Team has been trying new techniques that we... found. Also, the Team and some of the JL members including Bruce have this sort of movie night that we like to do up in the mountain.

"It's good to see you are bonding with the others, but I'm more surprised that Bruce decided to take part as well."

"Thanks for the words of encouragement, Alfred," stated Bruce with a deadpan look.

He shook his head slightly. "To be fair, sir. I've been here before you were even in diapers. I have a strong familiarity with you and your personality. You weren't as social or outgoing as the other children your age and social class. You were so closed off. Things didn't get better after your parent's unfortunate passing."

Dick had a nervous smile. "Well, I don't think that we'll be having that problem for long. He'll be with us in non-vigilante activities."

Alfred tilted his head. "Why is that?"

Dick looked to Bruce. "Do you want to tell him, or do I have to be the one to do it?

Alfred grew confused. "Tell me what?"

Bruce groaned. As much as he hated it, he couldn't keep secrets from Alfred. He literally became his second father for most of his life. Alfred supported him through his darkest phases. "The Team along with a few members of the League now know about my personal life."

This surprised Alfred greatly. "Did you finally open up to your comrades?"

Dick scratched his cheek nervously. "Not exactly. They found out about it from some DVDs that we found."

The butler blinked. "DVDs?" They then took the next half hour of breakfast talking about what happened the past week. With everything said, Alfred finally got his mind wrapped around the situation. "While I'm happy that we don't have to deal with another Owlman, I'm also glad that you're finally talking about your issues to someone. You would never be open to those therapists in your younger days."

Bruce sighed. "I don't do well when it comes to talking about my emotions. Also, one of them tried to set me up with their daughter."

Dick gawked at that last statement. "Wait, that actually happened?"

Alfred nodded. "Yes, and I'm glad that we got rid of him early on. She was a horrible little girl. Anyways, you really need to deal these issues of yours. It's not healthy."

"I'm fine," Bruce said with narrowed eyes. "I only have to see Dinah once a week to give them some ease for my mental stability."

"You dress up as a bat and beat up people at night with a thirteen-year-old in tights. You could do the same thing as an officer or government agent."

"Hey!" Dick interrupted. "I'll have you know that my parents said that I look good in tights when I perform. Besides, I probably would have tried to get revenge on the mob boss on my own if Bruce didn't come to help me."

Alfred sighed. 'I do hope that there won't be any more underage children brought into this profession. I'm not sure how much left my heart can take.' "All that aside, let's get you two ready for that meeting later this evening.

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