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a place that you can call home; a sense of belongingness, acceptance, safety, and connection to homeland

A year of planning every little detail and the whole wedding was a blink of the eyes. Even though we heard the vows a million times and every version of them, my sisters and I still got teary-eyed when our dads proclaimed their love for each other and us and promised to be together until death do them part. Willow even wiped away a tear subtly.

Thankfully the reception was less emotional and more carefree, the mood set by Dad and Papa smashing cake in each other's faces even though they promised not to do that. Upbeat music started playing, and everyone was kicking off shoes or wandering around chit-chatting.

"Oh, my God." I covered my face with my hands, the horror that is the dancing skills of our parents. Papa was trying to get Dad to dance with him even though Dad has two left feet and no rhythm, and Ms. Howard and Mr. Smith were dancing badly on purpose to annoy Mrs. Smith, the only one who knows how to dance from all the lessons she used to take.

"I'm gonna go get us drinks before my eyes jump out of my face." Gabe kissed my cheek before getting up and heading over to the long table covered in various foods and drinks.

"This would've been an awkward first date if Gabe didn't already know our family." Willow sat in Gabe's empty seat and watched the parents... dancing.

"This is so not our first date." I protested.

"So is." She argued. "You're both dressed up and together, and he went to get you both drinks. It's a date."

"Our Dads' wedding is not going to be my and Gabe's first date." I crossed my arms over my chest and looked around the Smith's backyard for Ariel. She'll back me up on this. "It can't because we haven't talked about what we're doing for our first date."

"Which makes it totally possible for this to be your first date." Willow grinned and leaned back.

"Wills!" Aurora yelled from across the yard. "Get your ass over here and dance with me!"

"I'm gonna get Aurora on my side!" Willow jumped up, nearly knocking the drinks out of Gabe's hands. "Sorry."

"It's fine." Gabe handed me what looks to be lemonade and sat back in his seat once Willow ran to Aurora. "So, what's this about our first date?"

"Oh, come on." I rolled my eyes and took a sip from my drink, then turned to face my boyfriend. "This isn't our first date."

"Why not?" He took my drink out of my hand and set it beside his on the table. He cupped my cheek in his hand and rubbed his thumb along my cheekbone.

"Because I refuse." I leaned into his touch and closed my eyes. "After all, our first date is my first date."

"Fine." He caved quickly and pressed his lips to mine. "Dance with me?"

"Hmm, hm." I opened my eyes and took his hand, letting him lead us to where the dancing was taking place. But every time we tried to dance together, Willow or Aurora or both of them would pull me away.

By the time we finally were able to dance together, it was the last few seconds of the previous song. He kissed me goodbye since he had work early tomorrow morning and was the only one in his family who didn't drink alcohol tonight.

"Help me." Ariel dragged me to the food and drink table to clean up.

"Ugh." I pretended to be upset by this, but how can you be bothered with access to free food? We get to decide what comes home with us.

Expectations || Completed but uneditedUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum