Did it really happened?

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As I've been reading the book at the time even after the bell rang on my lunch break, not even few seconds left and I've heard already known voice for me which forced me to pack all my stuff and hang the bag on my shoulder, while stood up from the already uncomfortable chair from which my back hurt a bit, but all I dreamed about was this day end soon so I can feel the comfort of my bed and warmth of my sheets.

"Miss (Y/N), can you come over here, please?" Jefferson interrupted me from my thoughts. He asked with always the friendly smile and soft accent of his voice which honestly made me more calm and not much nervous anymore, while I decided to walk towards him, with raised eyebrows stopped, with some distance between us both.

"I'd like to see some of your work, you must have a lot of pictures to share, right? It'd be pleasure to get to know you and your style as a teacher and help you out there, if you have some time to take for me." his eyes narrowed showing the true darkness hidden beneath his lenses and thousands of questions awaiting for an answer from the curious eyes of her. The silence between them both makes the souls so restless more for her, yet he kept stare at her awaiting for an answer on his suggestion of helping her as each student he had at his class.

"I don't have much to share." I snub all the helping hand he wanted to give me. The awkwardness I've felt right at this moment skipped to something called anxiety as his big hand was covering my cheek. His face features seemed to be more detailed as he was approaching closer enough to feel the warmth of his breath circumfuse the lips of me. I was shivering all over my body as his lips find his way to mine. It felt so weird being in approach to him at this way, but at the same so amazing. Something I wished the first time, I've seen him. Without any hesitation, he kissed me. Did he really felt the same for me as I did for him?

He was so handsome that was indeed, yet with mysterious eyes hiding beneath his lenses staring inside my eyes and making me shivers all over my body. But the kiss was so intensive. He put everything he could just into our .. little .. moment.

Thanks to all support, you all give me ♥♥

Fear //Mark Jefferson x Reader//Where stories live. Discover now