"I'm so sorry. I didn't know...I-i should've never asked..I'm so sorry.." Sakura fiddled with her t-shirt. Her eyes were wide as an owls' but Sasuke wouldn't know because her bangs were covering her eyes.

"It's fine. Just stop apologizing, it's getting annoying." He grabbed her hand and sped downstairs. "C'mon, the others might be suspecting something."

Naruto scratched his neck nervously. "Not to be mean but sometimes Sakura gets easily convinced."

Ino rolled her eyes and stabbed a finger to his chest. "Not anymore! If you spend more time with your 'best friend' you would know that she changed completely!"

"Of course I know that! And yes she's my best friend! I was her first ever friend! You just came along!" Naruto fought back. He wasn't going to lose this argument.

The two blondes spat at each other. But the female blonde had a lot to say. "She might be your first friend but she was never comfortable with you at the start! Not until I came and helped out!"

"That might be true but you ruined her life!"

"Oh really? What did I do?"

"You made her feel so confident in herself that she thought she can face anything with no fear! Now let's go back to the day our parents died in the same place at the same time!"

"Shut up, Naruto! Just shut up!"

"Did you see the look in her face when she heard that her parents died in a fire with our parents lying dead next to them! She gave no reaction! No reaction at all! She just acted as if everything was fine. Until 2 weeks later, she left. She left! She left the both of us and it was all because of you-!"

"STOP! Please...we promised we wouldn't talk about that day.."

The ramen idiot sighed and bent down to wipe his friend's tears. "Listen I'm sorry. I just wanted to get my anger out about what happened years ago. I-I blamed it on you because I knew it was my fault. I should've never made her feel so strong."

Ino shook her head, as if disagreeing with him. "No. We should've never made her feel so strong and confident. We should've....let her find her own self instead of doing that to her." She sniffed.

Uzumaki chuckled. "But it doesn't even matter anymore because she's grown into the woman she's always wanted to be."

"Heh. Yeah."

The group cocked an eyebrow. Neji looked at Tenten, Tenten looked at Shikamaru. Shikamraru looked at Temari, and Temari looked at Hinata. The shy girl shrugged her shoulders and went up to them.

"We have no idea what just happened but please stop crying."

Naruto's cheeks turned red. He squeezed her tight, loving the cute face she gave when she said that. She sweat dropped but still hugged him back. His only weakness was his girlfriend and nothing else. Except for ramen. "I can't stop crying! I just can't! It was my fault she left us when we were kids!"
Ino joined and hugged the two. She burst into more tears. "No! It's my fault!"

The shy girl awkwardly got out of her boyfriend's grip and rubbed both their backs. She didn't want them to cry anymore. Then two familiar faces were then scene. They stood there, not sure what was going on. Sasuke just brushed it up, not caring for the most part. The pinkie hurried over to her two best friends and squeezed them. She was obviously really worried. "What happened?!"

Naruto sniffed, hugging the girl. "We'll always be there for you. You know that right?" His eyes were pleading for her to say 'yes.' And that's exactly what she said.

"Yes. Of course I know that. Why would I not?" She hugged him back, wiping his tears away. "Why are you and Ino even crying anyways? You two never do that."

Naruto laughed, pulling her in closer. "I know I know."

The whole group snickered as they watched the scene between the blonde and the pinkie. Ino had stopped crying and started to glance at him. She couldn't help but laugh about how obvious his jealousy was. A dark aura already formed around him. His eyes darkened and a vein popped on his forehead. He swiftly turned his direction towards the female Hyuga. He looked pissed.

"You're ok with that?" He literally spat out venom. He hated how happy they were together. Sakura should be happy with him and him only. It wasn't fair. Now he was just acting like a little child.

Hinata smiled. "Of course I am! I know that he's loyal so it doesn't matter. He already knows that you have a thing for her anyways."

The Uchiha twitched. What she said is true but BUT he still didn't approve the happiness the two were sharing. He walked up to them and pushed them away from each other. He stood in front of Haruno and crossed his arms. The ramen idiot chuckled. "Jealousy looks good on you."

He tched and led her to his long white coach. He doesn't get jealous. He's never jealous. So why is it whenever he sees her with a boy, he has the urge to barge in and interrupt. As he sat down, Sakura too sat next to him. He's acting weird. I wonder what's wrong with him. She watched the group hold in a few chuckles. She was so confused. First her best friends were crying. Now her other friends are laughing out of nowhere. She sweat dropped. Did she miss something? At least she didn't think so.

Then she could feel a hand around her shoulder. She tilted her head to the right and she could see Sasuke putting an arm around her. She squirmed in her seat. A blush crept up her cheek. She covered her face. This is embarrassing!

The Uchiha noticed all their friends giving glances and quick grins at each other. This was too suspicious. He squinted his eyes but then ignored it.

"I'm sooo bored." Temari said pretending she was sulking in her chair.

"Then watch tv." Sasuke reached for the remote but Haruno stopped him.

"How about we play a game? Any suggestions." She said looking at everyone.

Their plan was going well. They were surprised that she wanted to play a game. They all secretly snickered. Poor poor Sakura and Sasuke. They have no idea what's coming next.

Tenten lit up as if she knew the best game to play. "Let's play spin the bottle."

"No. Why would you even suggest that?" The Uchiha said clearly annoyed by the choice of game. "You couldn't just pick truth or dare?"

The two bun haired girl pouted. "That game is not as fun as the one I chose."


Neji then leaned in his ear. "This is your chance man. If Sakura spins the bottle and it lands on you, she'll kiss you. I know how much you want this."

Sasuke rolled his eyes. A tint of red crawled up his cheek but he ignored it. He sighed in defeat. He didn't want his friends to leave him especially the pinkie. If this game is going to make them stay then he had to say yes. He hated the game but he had to. Plus, Haruno looked really excited to play anyways. "Fine. But only this one time."


Right now I'm in Illinois and I found the opportunity to type up this chapter. I hope you enjoyed this cause I really did. If there are any errors they will be next. Till next time.....STAY TUNED!!!!!

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