Chapter 15 - Don't Let Me Go

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Wistar’s P.O.V.

"Do I make myself quite clear number 5?"

I nodded dumbly keeping my eyes fixed on her body. Today she was wearing a very tight, very low cut green, hmm I don't know what it was, but whatever it's called made her look very very hot. 

Oh shit, wait. Clear about what? Something about a machine.

"Do we know anything more about the machine in question ma'am?" Oh yes I'm awesome, I thought to myself.

Miss Nightingale sighed and looked over at a short man with glasses sitting by her over-sized chair.

The poor guy looked terrified and starred at his shoes so intently you would have thought they were about to tell him how to live forever.

"I'm afraid not. So far our so called experts..." The man seemed to shrink back even more "Have come up with nothing"

"All we know is the documents that Doctor Reid had are no longer with him. And I highly doubt the Preta would have eaten a bag of paper when there was a juicy hunk of meat waiting for it.

"Those documents are still out there number five" She said walking towards me, her hips swaying gently with every step she took. She was right in front of me now, her red lined lips inches from mine. "Get them for me and I will fulfil your greatest desires" She looked straight into my eyes and I felt myself getting a little excited.

"I will do everything I can ma'am" I saluted and hurriedly walked from the room.

"You won't just do all you can number five" She called after me as I walked out "You will do more"

In the few days that I had been here I had learnt my way around my new living quarters and the way to main chamber but nothing more. I hadn't had time to explore! I had been introduced to my squad which I by some miraculous occurrence had become leader of. I had been put through my paces in a training scheme and I had been fitted for a brand new uniform. All of this, however, was a complete blur because there was only one thing I looked forward to and paid attention to in my day.

Every night, at eight o'clock sharp I would be fetched from my quarters and escorted to the main hall where I would have dinner with the enigma that was Miss Nightingale. These were the moments I strived for. I was addicted, I needed them.  

I was infatuated with her and everything about her. Her beautifully defined lips, her mesmerising eyes, her curvy figure in her tight and flattering outfits. I lusted for her, wanted her and she knew it too. All I wanted to do was please her, to prove myself to her. And I knew that I would do anything for her to show it.

A scream pierced my daydream and I came back to reality. I looked around and found myself in an unfamiliar part of the unit. I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere. 

Again the scream ripped through the otherwise silent corridor and, acting on instinct I ran towards it no knowing where on earth I was going.

I heard heavy footsteps and the rattling of chains, the crack of a whip and another scream.

As I rounded the corner I saw a small child, his wrist bound by shackles attached to a long chain which I can only assume was attached to more children. He was clothed in rags and he was filthy, the only clean part being the tear streaks down his face. He was putting all his weight into pulling away but the guards simply picked him up roughly and slung him over his shoulder.

"MUMMY!" He screamed and for the second time that week time stopped. 

My feet hurt, my eyes were tired, my whole body ached and creaked as I walked but I knew I couldn't stop. I looked down at my wrists and saw them rubbed raw by the shackles that encompassed them. A head of me were a sea of heads some taller some shorter than me but all young, all children, walking, bound to the same length of rope. We were herded like cattle down a long corridor and one by one passed through the heavy metal door at the far end. I don't know why, it was just a door, but it terrified me. I started to scream and pull on my chains but the guard grabbed me, slung my over his shoulder and carried me through that door.

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