"Nica," said the old man in a lyrical voice, surprising Kyna again. Though why she'd continue to be astonished should've worn out already. "There is another way" - What the fuck, thought Kyna as she stepped towards them, fists balled and ready for round two until Ula's right arm shot out across her stomach to stop her. She turned to her left to confront her but snapped her mouth shut when Ula shook her head and flicked her head back to Nica and the elder. Not liking it one bit Kyna crossed her arms and silently watched. "But asking us to do so is asking us to break our own laws. You're aware of the consequences?"

"Yes," nodded Nica, with a neutral face that failed to bely the babbling river of exasperation beneath his voice. "But there'll be consequences either way."

A tense silence loomed around them like a net. It's strong thread caught the tense emotions of their small and weird little group in its web, making it impossible to escape. It even snared the wind rustling through the blades of grass and the stars and the moon. Nothing was spared. And Kyna held herself as still as possible because it didn't take a genius to know to struggle against it would result in getting so entangled that freedom will become a distant dream.

Unfortunately agitation won out. She didn't know what was going on but getting back home must be better than waiting for Nica's and the elder showdown to end.

"I'll do it," whispered Kyna. Shaking her head and squaring her shoulders, she moved forward away from Ula to stand beside Nica. She cleared her throat and tried again, louder. "I'll do it. I'll try."

Nica tensed and Kyna wondered what she did wrong. Ignoring him, she spoke to the elder and promised to at least try open the doorway. Pleased the elder, Domar, nodded and reached out his arm to guide her to the dias.

He whispered the instructions, something so simple she wondered once again what Nica's problem was. It was so simple. Just imagine a door and the path to the world she wished to go beyond it. Once the picture became clear and the world's name appeared in her mind, open the door and pass through. Why didn't Nica explained that to her?

Left by herself by the stone arch, she turned around quickly to give Nica the stink eye but paused. Nica was staring at her, almost as if he willed her to turn around and once she did, gave a quick and unseen shake of his head. Left to right. And only once. Then joined Ula and the elders off to the side.

Kyna frowned and turned back to the dais. Now everything was too noisy and she couldn't concentrate. Especially with the noise going on inside her head. Did Nica want her to open the door or no? The elders definitely wanted her to. Is that why they're fighting? Would something happen to her if she opened the door? Was Nica protecting her or being the ass she'd known him to be since they met?

Agh, she didn't know. Shutup!

Kyna breathed deep, through her nose and out her mouth several times. Then closed her eyes. Immediately a door appeared, as tall as a skyscraper and made of wood. She imagined path, one made of concrete. In her mind's eye she reached out to turn the knob and pushed the door, when she heard a sound she never expected to hear.

She leaned in to press her ear to get a better listen when it came again. Knock, knock. Shocked, both her body and mind reeled back fast and hard. The dias disappeared and the sky with stars teeming to burst from the heavens seem to rush down towards her. Instead, she landed in a pair of arms with a smiling Nica above her. It wasn't a wide, teeth showing kind of smile. But a small lift on the right side of his mouth. And if that wasn't a smile Kyna didn't know what else it could be. The slight flutters in her heart told her that was definitely a smile. A rare one too.

Now she must be dreaming, Kyna though when Kyna helped her stand and patted her shoulder blade as if to say good job.

But didn't she just failed? Anyways, more importantly she had to tell them about what happened. Maybe, thought an almost giddy Kyna, that criminal guy, Bellart was trying to come back. They can catch him as he crossed over back to Ylberia, get her body back and wouldn't have to run around all over New York City.

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