chapter 7

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Bloom pov
Well after the fight we left we went to my cafe. Looks like I have to patch these people up. Sometimes they have to be so reckless. Angle and Dan are also helping patch them up.

Angle: "Is..he..gonna leave us alone now?"

Dan: "I think its for now tho. That king never learns."

Bloom: "That is for a fact. He may infact more crazier than Ezel."

Ezel: "HEY!"

Bloom: "haha. Anyway Daniel you are all done."

Daniel just nod and went up to Rose and sat next to her. Kan went and put Angle and Dan to sleep. Jefferson went to get us all drink. Ezel, Akame and I Just went to the cats area to put they back in their cage.

-------Next day-------

Dan pov
Bloom said that John will take us for a walk and for a little clothing and food shopping.

Angle: I don' shopping...for cloths."

Dan: "Oh well she knows why tho."

Angle: "Yeah."

John: "Lets go!"

As we were walking Angle and I got thirsty so we went to this bar called HOMRA. Angle and I were kinda scared cause there king is scary. John in the other hand was just happy.

As we enter we saw many guys. I already new who they were from when we first came to this city. They all saw us and went silent. John order 2 cups of grape juice. John just talk to this guy call tatara.

Anna: "Hey. What's your name?"

Angle just giggle cause Anna was acting s we did not know each other. We just played along.

Dan: "Hello. I'm Dan!"

Angle: "I'm Angle its a pleasure to meet you!"

Anna: " name is Anna."

After we finished they guy in the couch spoke in a lazy tone.

Mikoto: "Where is the girl you came with last time."

John froze and stop talking. The guy that he was talking and the bar tender notice this.

Tatara: "Are you all right?"

John: "yeah. On that reminds me. Angle and Dan we need to go shopping."

Angle and I just grunt. We thought we could get away with it. Anna just giggle at our reaction. HOMRA we shock that Anna did that cause she will stay emotionless.

Izumo: "Ahh~ that's a first. Well the drinks were in the house. Don't worry about it."

John: "Thanks. Sorry for the trouble hah. Well bye."

Anna pov
I saw them leave and It hurt. We are in different clans. I miss them so bad.

Mikoto: "What's wrong Anna?"

Anna: "Nothing Mikoto."

---Time skip---

Rose pov
After they came back I saw them with many bags. Angle and Dan seem grumpy that I did not stop John from taking them. Well it was for they best but rather than doing nothing they could walk.

Bloom will open her cafe later on because we all are still tired from the fight last night. Its better then just laying down. Aaaaa this is going to be a long day mostly with Ezel being in her week....

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