Words of Wisdom

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~Rene's POV~

I miss the old Hannah. She's been different since she lost her arm. She doesn't record videos, she doesn't come to the mall with the girls when we offer, and she mostly just goes to the park and sits on the swing for hours.

She isn't the person I used to know.

I miss her.

It is like she gave up hope of ever being happy.

Until today.

She came home from the park, and told me a story of a little girl with no leg that stared at her the whole time they were there. She cried a little telling the story. Winta added a part about the girl's mom, saying the girl was inspired by Hannah.

"That's good, right?" I asked.

"I don't know... I... I want to normal! Not someone's idol!" Hannah explained. I nodded.

"You can be both. You can be a regular kid, but younger kids can look up to you at the same time."

Hannah sat in silence.

Winta clasped her hands together. We didn't know what else to say.

We didn't have to say anything.

We understood what I meant.

That was all that mattered.

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