Chapter 6: Everybody has a darkside

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I slowly got dressed, wishing that time will slow.

Honestly I'm scared. It may seem silly that I'm scared, but I don't want to lose Jackson.

I don't know if I should be glad that Liam is coming or annoyed. I don't want him thinking I'm a baby or something.

"Hey Allison?" I heard Liam say, from the hallway. "The guys and Amber and Ruby want to meet us at the mall..if you don't want them to come, I can tell them."

"It's okay, so we are going to visit Jackson and Mum?" I asked.

"Up to you." Liam replied.

"Well can we visit them first then the mall. If that's okay."

"Yeah it's fine. Tell me when your ready, and we will head out."



Liam opened the door for me. We finally arrived and I'm already scared shitless.

"Calm down Allison. I'm here." Liam said.

I forced a smile. Yeah, everything will be fine, stop overacting. You look like a baby. Stop.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The lady behind the desk asked.

I couldn't speak, the lady raised a brow.

"Sorry she had a very rough week. We are here to see Jackson Breystone." Liam said.

"How are you guys related?"

"She is his sister. And I'm a friend." Liam spoke up again. He handed her my license and his.

"Oh bless his heart. He has been through a lot today. Room c12." She said.

"Thank you." Liam and I said at the same time.

We walked down the hall, I felt my body start to tremble.

Liam grabbed my hand. I looked down, his long fingers overlapping mine.

"Allison, listen please stay calm. You may not like what you see, I just want to warn you ahead of time. Be strong. Okay? I'm always here."

"Liam I don't think I can do this." I whispered.

"Yes you can. I have faith in you." Liam said.

I nodded. Liam opened the door.

"Liam, Allison!" Mum rushed to hug us.

"How is him?" Liam asked.

"He is fine now. His heart failed twice today. But they saved him just in time." Mum said looking at me.

My heart shattered. No, this impossible. His heart can't stop!

I had to battle the tears. But how long can you hold the river back? I looked over to Liam, he was fighting the tears too.

"I'm sorry mum, that I never came sooner."

"Allison, it's fine. All that matter is that your here now." My mum hugged me again.

The doctor walked in. "Ms.Breystone can I talk to you outside. Please?"

Mum nodded and walked out.

Liam grabbed my hand and walked me to Jackson's bed. I couldn't bare to look at him. He was pale and stiff as a board. Cords hooked to him.

"Please wake up." I whispered.

"Talk to him, it may help?" Liam suggested.

I sighed. What good can that make?

"Hey Jackson. It's me Liam. We miss you very much." Liam started. "Your always on our mind. Just don't..don't.." Liam started to cry. "Please don't go, we need you."

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