Strange Places To Find: Angels

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Strange Places: To Find Angels

It was about this time almost seven years ago now, that I discovered a secret that many people can only dream of. A secret that seems to shape the modern world, making teenagers imaginations run wild and swoon. I found out a secret so secret that my being alive and knowing this secret was a danger to the owners of said secret. A secret that could scare, amaze and horrify you; but also make you question everything you once stood upon.

I found Angels.


There was loud music blaring the first time I saw him. I was in a Gentlemen's Club named 'Swoon', I was the entertainment; the prize possession that many men here would covet to have. He wasn't any different to the other men within this bar, actually, if anything, he looked poorer and worse-for-wear than any other man within this Club. His clothes were slightly dirty and sagged on his tall and lanky frame. Although, at first glance you would never believe that he was poor or struggled in life. He had shaggy brown hair that fall down to his chin; it was untamed but looked as if it was meant to be that way. He had silver blue eyes, see here is where I would describe his eyes by using something known in existence; but honestly, there is nothing to compare to his eyes. His face was slim and chiselled; he looked as if he was cleaned, that he belonged in a modelling agency or something very similar. He didn't belong in that long dustier, like the ones from those horrible western movies. Nor did he suit the clothes he wore, the dark blue jeans worn out with a few rips in them and although it was obvious to me that it wasn't designer rips, no one else seemed to notice. He also wore a T-shirt that also looked a little worn out that had a picture of Blondie on it with 'Call me' underneath. I smirked at his shirt, it was cute what could I say? I was a sucker for a cheesy guy...


So this is just a teaser!

Check it out, there's a short description on my pages under 'Decsprictions and Project'

Please leave feedback!

Xx G.

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