Chapter-4 Ignoring Mr. Stranger making friendship with Jeter

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His smile widened. “Okay wait, I called my doctor. He is coming to treat my brother and Jeter, both of them are injured pointing towards the ‘who-so-called-Adonis’ and the dog. “And I think you also need treatment, you’re injured” he said pointing towards my knees.
No am totally fine” I said before looking at my knees
I looked at my hand. Oh my...What the heck... “Aunt is going to kill you” my inner mind says with a laugh.
The doctor and two nurses arrived. They first treated me and Jeter because Mr. Who-so-called-Adonis was on call… He signaled them to treat us first. Albert sat next to me. I asked him “why she tried to kill him?” he laughed at my question “you don’t know why,” I nodded my head as ‘no’ he was bit taken back and said “not only her, from now on ‘the girls’ in our country will try to kill him or Arianna at least in their dreams” I looked at him confusedly.
He signaled Jeter to come to him. Jeter reached him shaking his tail, licking Albert’s face, with some growl and barking Jeter signaled Albert like he is in pain. Albert just said “good boy, you’re going to be okay, its okay boy, it’s okay”. I looked them. I know am scared of this dog and it clearly shows in my face. Basically I’m a cat lover. I have a pet cat; her name is BLACK BIRD sometimes I call her OREO who said we should name only one name to them? I call her with many names but OREO and BLACKBIRD was my favorites!
Albert asked me to touch Jeter. I whispered to him “I’m fear of dogs” I felt like something or someone licking and sniffing my toes. I looked down to find out the dog JETER. I screamed like hell gaining a laugh from Albert and a sharp hated, disgusted look from Adonis, this look its rude Mr. Rude and Arrogant while he is in call with someone.
Ananya, he is a good boy common touch him, he will not bite. Common hold him, touch him like this” said Albert convincing me to hold Jeter. I went on my knees trying hard to avoid my fear I hold him, caress him. He had a silver tag in his neck with his name written on it. I gave him a handshake saying “he is really a good boy and handsome too” now my fear was completely gone. By hearing those words Jeter started jumping and shaking his tail licking my face. I laughed at his behavior and hugged him more. “Like I said” said Albert with smile.
I thought to ask him why he said ‘the girls in our country will try to kill him and some girl name Arianna or Argentina at least in their dreams. And released Jeter, he went to Mr. Rude Adonis.
As if he reads my mind, he started to explain me. But before that we were interrupted by the doctor.

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