67: Spark

614 38 17

But honey, will it ever be alright?
I want it to be
Neither the time
Nor their sweetened words
Will cure this
This pain that
Is caused
Each day I climb up high
And every night I fall down low
But don't you worry dear
I'll be just fine by the time
the next sun shows.

They ask me to smile
But what's the point
When you're happy being sad.
It's when you embrace
The fact that breakdowns
Are prevalent
And being wimpy is what's relevant.
Because every night
I fight too hard
And every new sun
Brings me a spark
For good.

Hoping that those sparks live within all of us forever. Giving us a reason to smile that we deserve.

Thankyou guys for 2.6k reads and 1k votes!! Means the world to me.
Love to all❤
*Flying kisses and free hugs*

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