Start from the beginning

"Do you promise?" she says, reaching her hand out for me to take hold of, tugging me to sit next to her on the bed. "Yeah, I feel less worried now. Sorry for calling so unnecessarily."

She listens. "Okay, Mark. See you next week. Bye."

Delilah hangs up and puts her mobile on the bedside cabinet. "It's normal. The pelvic muscles are moving around as the baby tries to lower his head. He said it's scary as It's my first pregnancy and I don't know what to expect, but it's normal as I come towards the end of the third trimester."

I squeeze her hand. "That's good news then. Did he say what you can do to make it less uncomfortable?"

"I can turn on the opposite side to where it's hurting and pile pillows between my legs to elevate the pressure."

I let go of her hand and sit back on my knees. "Which side hurts?"

Delilah shuffles about on the bed. "My right side."

"Turn over then," I say, going towards the wardrobe to get more pillows, "and I'll place them where you want. Deal?"

Delilah rolls onto her side, moving her head at an angle. "I need to make sure that I can see the television."

I smile. "You get comfortable first, and then I'll come in to help."

Delilah dangles her arm out to the side, "Can you pass me the remote, babe? I think it's under the bed."

I get down on my knees and tilt my head to the side not seeing the remote, but a small box stuffed near the corner between the bed and the bedside cupboard. I grab it and see it's velvet, popping the lid open to see a big as hell diamond ring. It's the size of my head. No joke. An engagement ring?

Not wanting Delilah to become suspicious, I put it back where it was and take a second look for the remote. Is Ed going to propose? I sure hope so.

"No worries. I found it under the pizza box," laughs Delilah.

I pop back up, bringing the pillows with me to put between her legs, seeing the relief on her face. "That better?"

"Much, thanks. It doesn't feel like I'm being kicked in the nunny anymore."

I frown. "Nunny?"

Delilah randomly flicks through the channels as she says, "My vagina."



I see all of the young faces and wonder if I looked like that at the beginning of my career. Some of them look barely eighteen-years-old, and they're already in a competition full of grown-ass men. I keep my arms crossed tight over my chest, giving nothing away when I watch over them all.

It's day three in Germany, and I'm helping out at a training camp Monty and a few of his fighter friends set up. You need a membership to train, but it's open for the members of the public to come and watch.

"Finn, over here. I need you in the ring," Monty shouts, waving me over with his meaty hand.

I head on over, bumping fists with a few of the kid fighters, having to stop and run my hands over the rope before stepping inside. It takes me a moment, and I'm lucky that Monty knows what's going on in my head. Keeping the attention away from me, he starts to explain the importance of correct form to the audience.

Protecting Love (LarssonSiblingSeries #3)Where stories live. Discover now