Part 4;

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After Soda drops me off I walk into the school doors and immediately see my best friend, Sarah

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After Soda drops me off I walk into the school doors and immediately see my best friend, Sarah

Sarah and I met in first grade like any other friendship would start

She was eating her organic, multigrain sandwiches cut in the shape of stars and I was eating a candy bar

'Candy bars are very unhealthy' she states in a high maintenance voice

'Ya only live once' I say chewing down my last few bits and throwing my rubbish on the ground and take a seat next to her

'What's ya name, miss fancy?' I say
'I am Sarah Edwards, it's a pleasure to meet you' she says holding out her hand

'Cassandra Winston, but you can call me Cassie' I smile and shake her hand

Sarah was a Soc, good grades and fancy clothes, she always ate healthy
and had a nice car. But she was kind to me, she didn't care about her reputation being ruined or
people talking about how a Soc and Greaser could ever get along, her speech was posh and she was likeable

She was a perfect girl and was always happy, if only I was as happy as her

'Hey, fancy' I say giving her a scare
'Golly, Cassie! You know I get frightened easily!' She says putting a hand on her chest making me chuckle

'Sorry, Sare' and we begin walking to class

'So have you asked out Sodapop Curtis yet?' She asks with a cheeky smile and I nudge her in the shoulder

'I don't like Soda' I kept my gaze on the ground as we take a seat in class

'Cassandra, I've known you almost all my life. And I know how fond you are of Soda' I stay quiet. I didn't know if she were right or wrong, she had known me more than I know myself but I didn't want her to be right

We sat the rest of class in silence


During lunch, I sit at our same table and meet up with Johnny and Pony. Sarah also sat with us, she didn't mind the gang, though she do wish they'd take care of their hygiene a little more

'Hey, Cass' Johnny says taking a seat across from me 'Hey, Johnny' I shoot him a smile and Pony takes a seat next to Johnny and ruffles his hair

'Hey, Cass. What are ya doing after school? Ya wanna come over to ours?' Pony asks taking a bite into his burger

'Sorry, kiddo, but Soda's picking me up after school' I say chucking a fry into my mouth and Pony rolls his eyes

'Y'all are always hanging out, why don't ya spend time with us' Johnny says

'Tomorrow night, I promise okay pup?' I always called him pup, mostly because he reminded me of a small, dark puppy that's been kicked too much

The bell rings and we all get up and walk to class. I go to enter math before a tall, fancy dressed blonde stands in my way

"Hey, Cassie" he says and I don't even make eye contact with him

"Best be beatin' it soc" I say irritated
and he laughs "Have you seen Sarah around? I'm supposed to be taking her out tonight" he says

"She has history, genius. Learn your own girlfriends timetable" I roll my eyes

I hated the fact that Sarah dated Bob, he was cocky and stuck up and she could do so much more better

He wasn't exactly a cup of tea either, In fact, he was more like a glass of pure vodka that burned as it drizzles down your throat

I shove him out of the way and step into my class


After the last bell went, I walk out with Pong and Johnny "I'll see you guys later" I ruffle Johnny's hair and they wave while walking in the direction of the Curtis' house, not long after Soda pulling up beside me

I get in his truck and chuck my belt on.
"Do you mind if we get a bite? I'm starving" He chuckles "Exactly my idea" he nods in agreement

We pull into Dingo and Jay's and I walk in, inhaling the smells of freshly baked food and the sound of  faint music

We take a seat at our usual booth and a waiter comes to take our order

"A burger, fries and a plate of mac n cheese with two chocolate milkshakes, thanks" Soda and I came here often, so he knew my order off by heart since I'd order the same thing every time

"Sandy came over to the DX today" Soda says fiddling with his napkin and I sigh in frustration, I knew Soda
loved her but god, she didn't deserve him

"I thought she was in Colorado" I comment and he shakes his head "So did I. Apparently it got cancelled"

I forrow my eyebrows, if that little female-dog lied to him again she was about to get a piece of my mind

Our food was placed in front of us both and I give the waiter a thankful smile before stabbing my fork in my mac n cheese

'What were you and Dal talking about this morning?' I ask in between bites

It seemed like he had to think of the answer for a bit and he replied 'nothing much, the usual'

I gulp my food 'what's the usual?' and he does is shrugs

Once we finish our food we get back into our car and he drives us to the Curtis'. I run inside and plop myself on the couch beside Two-bit who obviously had his eyes glued to the tv while watching Mickey Mouse

He had a piece of chocolate cake and I reach in to grab a piece but he pulls his plate away "Get your own, blondie" she chuckles and I scoff picking myself up and walking towards the kitchen where I find Darry

"Hey, Dare" I say nudging my fist into his shoulder playfully "Cassie" he embraces me into a big hug "How's school?" He asks as I pour myself a glass of chocolate milk

Darry was like a father figure to me, he always cared whether school was good or not, or if I needed help with homework. He was just always like that, especially after mom and dad died

I shrug and take a seat at the table

"How's work? Not lifting too much I hope, you know what happened last time" by the term last time I mean almost breaking his back and ending up in hospital. Which concerns me all the time now

"I'm okay bub, I'm lifting just fine" he chuckles and pats my back

We sit on the couch and join in the conversations and jokes


Idk this was sort of a fill in chapter to introduce Sarah, Darry and Two-bit ik it was boring don't attack me but gosh I just thought of a major idea for this story it's gonna be bomb also sorry this chapter was super duper long

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