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~3rd person~

You let out a sigh as you pulled your bag over your shoulder, it was finally the end of the day which meant that you were able to get out of the institutionalised hell that went by the name of school.

A golden flush tingled over your now rosy cheeks as you began to walk home with a group of friends and some random boys from your class, you weren't sure why.
In fact, you could have been invisible for all they cared, then again they must have been eager to check out your friends.

But you didn't care much either way as you normally spent time with F/N in your own little bubble as the rest just talked among themselves about boys and other things which you didn't really pay any attention to.

"Hey, F/N why do we have to live in the only country that bts never come to" you whined as you scrolled through your playlist, your eyes scanning past all the cringy songs only for your eyes to catch glimpses of expensive girl which sat in the dark corners of your kpop addiction.
But you didn't pay much attention to it as out of the blue you and your friend began dancing and singing in an ear-piercing gibberish screech as the rest of the people around you slowly moved away with the 'i don't know them' expressions over their unimpressed faces.
But what could you do, it just happened that being normal was impossible when your best friend seemed to give you a sugar rush whenever you two were within close proximity to each other.

You didn't think of how cringy it would have been looking back but you didn't care, you were a pair of weebs in their natural habitats as you sang along "infires man" and "worldwide handsome", in other words, you were a bts trash and you were absolutely proud of it. Your friend on the other hand was still closeted from the kpop world, and yet it was absolutely obvious she liked them so it was surprising no one else really noticed.

A smile formed over your lips as you wrapped your arms around your friend's shoulders before resting your head against her neck as you stared up at the golden sky.
You and F/N had a secret little sceat where you'd stop by on the way home to talk about very very important topics.

"How could you do such a thing" you let out a gasp of disappointment.

"Look Y/N people change"

"You just chucked him like trash as soon as you saw some upgraded version"

"Ok look just because I turned Taehyung into my bias wrecker doesn't mean I don't love Yoongi"

"yeah like id believe you"

And those were your everyday arguments which you actually enjoyed, a lot more than you showed.
It was something special between the two of you, and you just knew you'd look back in the future and smile.

It didn't take you long before you finally got home.
The moment you stepped through your door you run upstairs before jumping down onto your bed and scrolling through your phone, you just happened to order some cheap bts junk on eBay ( as you were broke) only to find a ' bts secret box' which was only £2.

"no harm to try it out"

~~ Sorry its short but i hope you like the first chapter and if you did coment and vote😘

And sorry your in the uk rn😅

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