Part Four (Misunderstanding)

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Someone approaching Kongpob from behind, when the latter come near to him, the latter make Kongpob face him and give a great punch on Kongpob

Kongpob fall onto the floor while Aim is helping him to stand up, he then asked the latter "p'Bright! What's wrong with you? Why did you punch Kongpob?"

With a red face showing the anger that didnt reduce even a bit even after he land Kongpob a hard punch, he stare straight at kong and said " That's for breaking up with my friend!!!" and he walked away but then turn back to Kong and walk to him

Kong who is now already stand and hold to his face and ready to leave and saw Bright coming to him
and once again landed him one more hard punch "Damn!!!!!! That's for breaking up through a text, asshole!"

Kong know...yes....he knew so well that what he had done to Arthit is wrong thats why he just let p'Bright do whatever he want to him, but it's better this way because if p'Arthit knew that he had slept with a girl...that will hurt him more


Before he left the room...he saw a blood on the bed sheet which means...the girl that he spent a night with is a virgin

He need to reaponsible for what he did

And decide to choose reaponsibility instead of love

I'm sorry p'Arthit


"Kong...are you sure you gonna be okay alone" asked Aim

He is worried about his bestfriend, he knew about Kong and the girl from the club and he also felt guilty to Kong...if he not make him go...then all these thing wont happened but what make him stunned is what p'Bright had said about Kongpob breaking up with p'Arthit. He wants to asked Kong abput this but seeing him like that male him to keep his question for later when Kongpob is okay


"Ai'Arthit!! Open this door please...It's enough that you have been skipping class for the whole week and hide from us" Prem is knocking and shouting at the same time infront of Arthit dorm

Yes! Arthit has been keeping himself far from outer world

He is trying to stabilize his mood, this is his own way but usually it only take 1-2 days but this time it already a week but his heart still hurted

"Enough is enough Arthit...please! I already pay that stupid boy for you...he deserves all that" Bright is the next person to shout

Hearing what Bright uttered out from his mouth...Arthit quickly run towards the door and open the it

As soon as the door is opened...Arthit immediatelly curled up him both hand onto Bright "I dont know what to do anymore!!! It seems like he only wanna have fun with me...I regretted it Bright...I regret...if I could turn back time...I only want to go back to that sacred night...if only I didnt follow that plan...If only I....If only I...."

"Stop it's my fault for suggesting those idea"


Hahahahaha I hope this will make you guys curious

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