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Hello everyone! As promised DD is here on time with a big chapter! Hope you'll enjoy it! :)

And IT's MY BIRTHDAY!!! Finally!

I want your loads of inline comments as gifts and loads of good wishes!

Thank you for loving me so much! It's been a long journey with all of you! And I am so lucky to have each of you with me!

Keep loving me!

Keep smiling!

Keep shining for your loved ones always! Hamesha!

Now off to the chapter!

Happy Birthday to me! And Happy Reading to you! :)

Ps: Yeah! Eid-ul-Adha Mubarak to all! :) May Allah bless us all!

Nandini's POV...

Wrapping a warm towel around my wet, naked body I walked towards the washbasin to brush my teeth.

Manik was out already because we heard his phone ringing.

He was not ready to leave but I pushed him out.

I brushed my teeth almost lazily and stared at my reflection in the mirror.

Was I hallucinating or I was really glowing?

Shooo Nandini...

Tu bhi na...

I shyly looked down and finished brushing my teeth before I walked out of the bathroom to see Manik pacing around the room with a frown on his face and he was talking to someone on the phone.

Smiling to myself I walked to my closet to get dressed. Manik was already wearing his jeans but no shirt.

I quickly slipped in my skirt and blouse. Then I grabbed one of my favorite t-shirt from Manik's wardrobe and walked to him.

He was just hanging up.

"Anything serious?" I asked softly standing on my toes as I slipped the shirt over his head while he put his phone in his jeans pocket.

"Naah! Nothing, that concerns your tiny head!" He joked and I smiled helping him to wear his shirt.

"You never tell me your problems Manik!" I complaint slowly, as I run my hand carefully to set his wet hair and he shook his head.

"Nandini! I'll take care of every problem bus you need to know that everything is gonna be okay! Aj nahi tou kal! Everything will be fine!" He spoke lovingly cupping my right cheek and I nodded with a small smile.

He took a deep breath and I raised my eyebrows to ask what.

I knew since the moment he came to the room he was worried about something.

"Nandini! Umm!" He started and cleared his throat.

"There is something you need to know!" He added lowly and I was confused. "Not only you! But tiger too! You both need to know a very big part of your life which was hidden from you both!" He was telling be with a serious face and I was getting more confused my each passing moment.

"And what is it I need to know?" I asked with rather serious face but before I could ask more or he could tell more the door of our room knocked.

Quickly walking forward he opened the door and I saw Maa standing with worried face.

What's going on?

They both nodded at each other, while Maa handed Manik a small envelope which he stuffed in his jeans pocket. Soon he turned to me.

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