Well then

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Akko's POV

Today was the day! As excited as ever, I stretched and practically jumped off my bed, missing with my feet and instead, falling to the floor of my dorm.
"SHUT UP AKKO!" Said a very pissed Sucy, who was just WOKE (heh) by Akko's fall. But Lotte was still fast asleep, mumbling, actually.
"What's up with Lotte?"
"Probably dreaming about making out with Frank." said sucy with a smirk.
"AM NO- OWWW!" Screamed Lotte as she tried to defend herself but fell off the bunk bed.
"Heh. That was entertaining." Said Sucy
"Admit Lotte, that was hilarious."
"Go kill yourself you *mumbles* FRICKING FRICKS."
"What was that, Lotte?"
"Shut up Sucy"
"Guys its like 8:59 (I'm not sure when their school starts, mine starts at 8:30 where I live) we should probably leave." Akko said.
"Oh wait.. ITS LIKE 8:59! NO! I'M NOT BEING LATE FOR THE ASSEMBLY!" (Which starts at 9)
"Hey! Akko!" Sucy called
"You're still in your pj's!"
-Le time skip brought to you by our sponsor, Temmie Flakes®--
It was now 9:06 when we got to the assembly. We rushed through the doors and took the last seats available, which where (CONVENIENTLY) right next to Andrew,Frank, and some other guy that I think is Blake.
As soon as we sat, the headmistress went on with her long and boring speech. Blah blah blah, witches, blah blah blah knights, blah blah blah sharing a dorm with one of the Appleton academy guys for the next few years, WAIT WHATTTTTT?
(They were supposed to stay for a month, but apparently appelton and Luna nova were combining permenantly.)
The headmistress went on with the dorm assignments. I conveniently got Andrew, and lotte got frank, and Sucy got blake. Diana got this kid named Skee or something, I don't know. 
-Time skip to when they were packed  up and at there dorms-

Andrew's POV

I sat on my new bed, reading a book about witches and knights. Until suddenly, I heard Akko burst through the door. "Hi Andrew! What's up?" "The FRICKING sky." I replied, still not looking up from my book. "Geez, you don't gotta be so ROOD about it." She said, setting down her stuff on her side of the dorm. "Anyways, I gotta shower.So don't go in the bathroom because I'm pretty sure it doesn't lock." Akko stated firmly. "Sure, k, byeee." I say, still keeping  my attention on the book.

Ello! My names Lauren and I hope you enjoyed the chapter! If you did, leave a vote and make sure to SMASH that follow button too! LIKE A BOSS! (I know I sound like jacksepticeye lol)

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