Start from the beginning

“Got a tampon?” Gemma whispers as we walk out the front door with the rest of my family.

“No why “I say searching my dress thinking I was leaking.

“No for me idiot” she whispers again.

I shook my head no. “ here”

Gemma’s face lit up as she reached for the tampon. “ thankyou Emilia, you’re a life saver”

“ ha-ha its okay honey”

I slid into Emilia’s car beside Louis. He had his head down looking at his phone texting away.


“Yeah?” Louis stops looking at his phone and puts his attention onto me

“When you and Harry had the accident where you driving?”

Louis shook his head and turned back towards the car.

“Then how did you fly back into the far seats?”

“my seat belt wasn’t on!”

I was surprised about that I didn’t think Louis  was that stupid.

There’s a lesson for you. Always wear your seat belt I thought.

“ I guess you learnt then didn’t you”

Louis nodded “ yeah I truly did”

Their where rides everywhere at the carnival. Their were rides in every direction. Some I had never seen before. As I turned my body around looking at all the other activities I saw a stage placed in the middle

 “You’re not preforming are you?” I ask Lou who was standing beside me.

“No” Louis says laughing as I’m praying they won’t.

“Where not that bad!”  he says hurt.

“I never said you weren’t “.

“Will see you back here at 11.30” dad says getting our attention.

“But the fireworks are at 12” Louis says in in a whining tone.

Dad looks at us both and sighs “Fine!!!! 12 a clock no later “

I kissed dad on the cheek before running  off  with Gemma looking at all the rides we could go on.

“Where to first?” I say looking at all the rides. Wanting to go on all of them.

“To find Zayn!”

I stopped and looked at Gemma confused “Why??”

Gemma looks at the ground her cheeks turning red. “ no reason”

“No way!!!” I scream my voice coming out childish.

Gemma doesn’t say anything. She didn’t need to I knew what was going on by just looking at her. My face filled with excitement.

“You’re on a date” I squeal.

“Shhhhhh!!!!!” Gemma says covering my mouth looking around the carnival.

“Why?” I ask threw her hand.

“If Harry new he would kill me “

“ oh, yeah he can get protective “

“Hey Gemma”

I spun around and let out a squeal making Zayn’s voice change from excitement to worry.

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