Illuso x Reader: "Only the First"

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You know, when you thought about, it was kind of a strange question. Or, at least, it had a strange answer: Where did you two meet? You would get it on the street, meeting with your friends and family, whenever someone noticed the undeniable chemistry between the two of you. You weren't quite a normal couple anyway, and the honest answer to that certainly gave it away.

"Work." That's what usually said, and it wasn't a complete lie. However you did lie about what kind of work you did. According to your friends and family, you were employed as an assistant in a boring office job. So it wouldn't exactly make sense if you told them:

"He stalked me by hiding in my mirrors until one day when he sucked me into the mirror dimension, pinned me to the floor, and blackmailed me into joined one of the most famed and feared assassination gangs in all of Italy."

Yeah, something about that just didn't sound right... But it was the truth.

You had been bitter towards him at first, bitter towards all of them. How had they even found you out? You didn't even know what a stand was, let alone that other people had powers like you before Illuso attacked you in your own home. You tried to struggle, but your abilities weren't responding. You were overtaken by fear, anger, a thirst for revenge on the man who kidnapped you. Yet your hateful glances rarely swayed him as you began to grow accustomed to this new life.

You weren't fully restricted to the headquarters. It was more like a job, when they would call you in when your stand powers would needed and you would slump off to fulfill your "duties". But eventually you began to smile each time Illuso randomly appeared in your bathroom mirror. You wouldn't let him see you smile, of course. You would snap at him as usual, but he would merely smile back and offer his hand, ready to take you on your next magical adventures (okay, they were less adventures and more illegal gang activity, but you tried to keep your chin up and look for the fun in the mission). There was something about using your powers that was just so remarkable, so exhilarating. And you always did it alongside him. You couldn't help but grow close after a while.

La Squadra become consumed your life. Your loyalty to Risotto continued to grow with each mission, your bond with the boys strengthened everyday. And, Illuso... He was something else. Maybe you had feelings for him, just maybe, though you tried to act natural around him. As natural as you could when your blood was racing in you ears and your thoughts were darting all over the place. He occasionally caught you staring at him, but hopefully he thought nothing of it, as you occasionally found him staring at you. You were just comrades, partners in crime, right?

But it all changed that day. It had been a normal day's work up until that point, however, your enemy was just a bit more powerful than expected. Illuso hadn't told you all the specs of the stand, he had merely spied on the user enough to discover its weakest points, then set you loose. It was some sort of wind spirit, and the target had wrapped itself in a tornado of slicing gusts. Illuso lay on the cold cobblestone behind him, just waking up after a hard blow to the head. His clothes were tattered, and his shorn shirt flew open to expose his bare chest, faintly dotted with cuts and bruises. But you would not be distracted in the heat of battle.

Within a flash you whipped through the hurricane, slashing your weapon as soon as you saw the small of his back. His shriek split through the night as the harsh winds disappeared. You huffed as the body fell to the ground. As you checked your body for injuries, only to find a small cut or two, you heard his moan through the dying tempest.

"Illuso!" You called out as you scrambled to his side. You helped him up to sitting, though your face flushed a deep red as his tattered top fell to the ground. But you ignored it, acting like nothing was amiss. "You okay?" He chuckled as you pulled him to standing.

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