To run or to fight

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Krul started smiling

"you sure are a bold one" she said while laughing

one second she was standing beside Mika and then faster than the blink of an eye she appeared in front of Yuuichirou and pinned him on the wall

"Yuu-san!!!" shouted Shinoa

"What should I do now...Oh i know!what if I drink your blood until you pass out? That will shut you up" Krul said in all seriousness

Mika run towards Yuu, grabbing Krul's arm

"Krul please...don't"

*Krul's POV*

poor him..he sounds desperate...
But so was I although I didn't show it.5 minutes ago when i woke up, I was thirsty...oh how very thirsty I was, more than I have been in the past 100 years. In Ferid's mansion there's lots of blood thankfully but still, now that Mika drank mine I'm in need for it again. Healing serious burns has its price I guess
Ofcourse I'm not gonna try to drink Yuuichirou's though, or I might accidentally kill him no matter how good at controlling it I may be. He is my precious Seraph after all
and Mika...I am his sire, his parent and he'd be pretty mad at me if I killed his Yuu-chan.
Not that I really care though, vampires don't have feelings except for one thing that helps them cling on their humanity
To me that' brother Ashera...
I've been looking for him for years but he disappeared together with the second progenitor all that time ago and I haven't seen him since...and if that wasn't enough the higher ranked progenitors are suspecting me of keeping the Seraphs alive; now that I escaped, their suspicions have been confirmed
What should I do?

"Well I'm not gonna bother with a lowly human anymore" I said

Yuu's neck started bleeding 'cause I gripped him too tight and my nails accidentally went through his flesh
The blood was entincing and I couldn't resist, I had to get out immediately

"Anyway I'm going now, don't bother me anymore for today." I declared as I started going to the kitchen where the blood was stored

"Okay. See you later..." Mika exclaimed, a bit of sadness present in his voice

*3rd person POV*

"Yuu-kun are you okay?" asked Yoichi

"AHHH I'M NOT DONE WITH HER JUST YET" shouted Yuu, clearly mad at Krul

"You should give up idiot Yuu" said Kimizuki while hitting Yuu's head

"Ah that HURT"

"He's right Yuu, you stop doing stupid stuff" said Mitsuba while leaving with Kimizuki and Yoichi

"We're going now, to plan what to do next...You should rest Yuu-san" Shinoa told Yuu before she left with the others

At that point only Yuu and Mika were left in the room, awkward silence following

"I'm...gonna go too" said Mika while proceeding to turn around to hide how embarassed he was to be called a pet in front of Yuu-chan and leave the room

"Wait Mika!" said Yuu suddenly

"Yes Yuu?" he didn't say Yuu-chan like he always did and that hurt Yuu more than he thought it would...
Mika though didn't want to hurt his Yuu-chan but he was embarrassed to be called a pet in front of Yuu and more than that, very sad that Krul and Yuu-chan would ever fight

"'s nothing nevermind"
Yuu wanted to say he was sorry but he was scared because if...if Mika didn't forgive him he'd be broken. Everything he did was for his family. How could he be so stupid? If only he'd listen to Mika for once

"Ok then." said Mika
He was sad..very very sad that he was this cold to Yuu-chan. It was hurting him more than he'd like to admit, but even so...he started walking towards the staircase not looking back


author's note:
I'm sorry 😂 It was hurting me writing Yuu and Mika being distant towards each other and I wanted to have them make up immediately but I held myself against it 😔😂

what I want to ask is..would you mind if Mikayuu was present in this story? (comment what you think)

Owari no Seraph; after saving Krul & FeridWhere stories live. Discover now